Tuesday, December 9, 2008


So there we were last night with Molly from Tiny K in the living room playing when Cooper pushes my hands back and stands, all alone. He was so proud of himself. He did it over and over again. Then when Terry got home he had to show him as well and before we knew it he took a step. Then tonight after dinner we were again playing in the living room. Raelynn stood a few feet back and we told Cooper to walk to her and guess what? He did! Now I don't want you to think it was a perfect walk, it was wobbly and he fell at the end but he is on his way. I love this stuff. Babies are cute and cuddly but nothing compares to when they start to achieve things and become curious. I am so excited and Cooper is excited for himself. At one point when we were telling him good job he started clapping for himself! He is just adorable!!!

Tomorrow we go back to the eye doctor to have his eyes dilated and run some test just to double check before we actually put him in glasses. Today I received a call from Wink Eyewear here in Lawrence. The message said that we have a mutual friend who had called them and told them about our situation and that Cooper was now needing glasses and they wanted to help. I wish I could only tell you how these type of things make me feel. I am always so overwhelmed by people's kindness. People always comment that they are so sorry for what we have been through or how they cannot imagine how we have survived all of this but through all the terror and heartache I cannot help but feel we have gained so much from our experience. We have experienced "Good" in a way many never do. I cannot face a single day without feeling like I have a thousand lives to touch just as thousands have touched ours. I constantly want to be better at everything I do and every aspect of my life because I feel like I owe it to everyone who has helped us stay so strong. I love the foundation as it is giving us the opportunity to talk to people and help people that we would have never had otherwise. But today was yet another touching moment. The "mutual friend" Wink spoke of is a friend of a friend. I have met her but I don't really know her. She keeps up on my blog and simply read my blog and from that one post about Cooper needing glasses she called Wink and set things in motion. How do I thank someone so kind and thoughtful? So one moment there is an acquaintance that I don't really "know" and now a friend who I know is kind and thoughtful and selfless. I have added her blog link to my list, The Dukes of Lawrence, please just take time tonight in your prayers to thank God for his angels here on earth.

Let's also not forget the amazing Wink Eyewear. Here is a local business who did not even hesitate at the idea of helping. In a single day they had everything ready for us to come in with our prescription and get Cooper set up. I have also added their link to the side, When I called back and asked for the lady that had left me the message she was with a customer and the gentleman asked if he could take a message. I told him I was Kristi Keefer and was returning her call. He says, "Oh yes, you're Cooper's Mom." This always makes me smile because I am no longer "Kristi Keefer" but rather Raelynn or Cooper's Mom and I could not be more proud to have that identity. Anyway, he proceeds to explain his name is Mike and he is the owner and they would like to extend their eye wear to Cooper. Again, the kindness is overwhelming. Again, the tears swell in my eyes. Again, I realize we live in an amazing community. Again, I want to say more than thank you but can't find any other words. Again, I realize how special our little Cooper really is. So I will call them after our appointment tomorrow and we will go from there. I am sure you will hear more about Wink in the near future because I cannot help but think meeting them will be worth a post all of it's own!

I often wonder what Cooper will think of all this when he is much older and can appreciate what has been done for him, for us. I wonder if he will always feel the special love around him. I wonder if he already knows. If you could see him smile, you would think he does.


The Dukes said...

You can tell in pictures that he knows he's something special...and he is!

I simply made a call. The generosity is all from Wink. I'm just another mother, who imagines every week being in your shoes and who admires your strength, grace and honesty in facing what you've been dealt.

We think of Cooper, his big sister and your family every day.

I can't wait to see his frames!


I admire your strength and it takes me back to when Marty was born. I had no idea how I was going to handle each day. I found the inner strength and took one day at a time. You are the Best!! There will be so many more good days that will out weigh the bad. If there is ever anything I can do please do not hesitate to call us.
The Carr Family.

miles3_17 said...

I am soooo excited about Cooper walking, you didnt even say anything this morning, that should of been #1 over class!!! Great news about Wink too. Congrats on another step. We love you guys and are amazed at what you do daily. Keep it up!