Saturday, March 28, 2009


"Obstacles are Opportunities in Disguise" have you ever heard anything more true and appropriate! I read this the other day and thought to my self how true this was and how much I wanted to continue living my life with this in mind. Over and Over throughout my life I can think how this has applied. Most recently and probably most evident of course is Cooper. His heart defects are definitely an obstacles but the opportunities it has given all of us is amazing.

The kids are doing great. Cooper has finally started sitting at the table without crying the whole time. He still is eating minimally but it is getting better. Raelynn is proud of him for using a plate but says he still really needs to work on his manners.

This morning Cooper comes walking down the hall with his pants in his hand. Apparently they fell right off, poor little skinny boy! It gave us a good laugh though! Raelynn is becoming quite the little lady. This morning she told me she needed a good healthy breakfast. When I asked her what that would be she said "I think a cereal bar and pancakes will do unless you want to whip up some bran muffins." Ok, well first what does she know about bran muffins.....this is not something I have ever "whipped up" and second since when does she worry about eating healthy. As we speak she is on the elliptical and doing push ups and sit ups. She said she needed to start exercising to keep growing and be big and strong and so she could stay in shape to keep playing with Cooper and I. The girl really is too much!

Unfortunately the Hawks lost last night so our basketball fun is over. The good news is there is no snow on the ground yet! Also we found out some fun news for the summer. First, Raelynn is going to participate in a horse show circuit in the Halter Class this summer. I am still learning all the lingo so I hope that is what it is called that she is going to be doing. She is going to be very excited and I like that she is going to be exposed to something she wouldn't necessarily be by Terry and I. Not to mention it will be more fun time with Aunt Bonnie. Bonnie is going to tell her this Sunday and I think she will be very excited. Second, Steph is going to work for Tom this summer and will stay with Terry and I. I am truly excited about this. I think it will be fun to have her around but it will also be such a relief to have someone I know will learn quickly and work hard and be great with the people. It just makes it so much easier already knowing our new employee and also being comfortable with her. Anyway, I am looking forward to it and hope it will be a great benefit for the agency. I think Tom is alreay wondering what he got himself into, really can you imagine two of us, heeheehee! It is going to be great!

Today we are getting the finally preparations made for the bowl-a-thon next weekend and trying to get the basement back in order. It should be just a perfect Saturday :)


Huber Family said...

Oh my goodness, Raelynn is so adorable with her "big girl" talk! So specific -- so much like her momma = ) And Coop looks so cute at his place at the table! One of these days soon he'll be eating so much you'll wonder how you will ever be able to afford to keep up with his appetite (at least that's where we are now -- I dread the food bills that we'll see during the teen years!) Keep up the positive spirit!