Monday, June 17, 2013


I am sitting here with my kids squeezing in a blog post while they eat their bedtime snacks and I'm just thinking how I wish I could tell my co-worker who is expecting her first child how incredible it is!  I was so busy today, so irritated at times, so overwhelmed at times and as soon as I tuck the kids in and Terry gets in from mowing I am headed back to the office but it is ALL so worth it.  It is worth running crazy during the day to shuffle them from camps to daycare, to rushing after work to get them picked up in time, then rushing home to get dinner in the oven so I can take a few minutes to pitch a few balls to my T-Ball player, and then watch him practice his moves from soccer camp.  Then go inside to check dinner and then get convinced to be my cowgirl's pony so she can practice for her next show which of course just ended in laughter.  Then we eat and clean up and showers and then laundry and here we are with a little snack and then off to bed just so I can start the things I have to do.  It doesn't really sound that fun but it is all so great.  I  never sit down with nothing to do and I never stop thinking about what isn't getting done and I never quit judging the job I am doing and sometimes I feel so much anxiety that I really feel like I am going to cry, but, ALWAYS, I take one look at them and tahdah, it's all good!  So how do you explain to someone all that!  You don't, you just wait until it happens to them too.

So I started this blog post at is now 9:15pm and I am waiting for Terry to get out of the shower so I can head back to work.  Since starting this post I have found out that Coop has to have a T-Shirt decorated to represent Portugal for Soccer Camp tomorrow!  It took about 30 texts between my good friend who also has a son at camp and the coach  and myself for me to figure that all out!  Again, the awesome thing is that half the time we were texting I was laughing.  I really believe you have to put all this in perspective.  I mean really, do you know how much I love having Coop around to have to deal with this craziness and while I was trying to get this whole T-Shirt thing figured out Raelynn was constantly calling "Mom!" because she needed help with her research paper!  And yes, why in the world is there any need to complete a research paper in the middle of the summer!  Every parent experiences this craziness but until you are on the receiving end of that word...."Mom" just can't imagine how empowering it is!

Well I actually have so much to post about the past week but Terry is out of the shower now so I am off.  The recap of last week will just have to wait one more night!!!  By the way, I have left the T-shirt decorating up to Terry so I will definitely get a picture of that tomorrow!!!