Monday, June 30, 2008


You know how Monday's just seem hectic, well this one was no exception. The day started a little behind. I went to the gym about 30 minutes late and therefore got home about 30 minutes late. I left late because Cooper was just very fussy. I always feel bad waking Terry up at 4:30 am to take Coop when I am going to the gym to workout. It just seems selfish. So I waited to get him back to sleep. I guess he didn't stay asleep though because when I got home Terry was not too cheery :). Karli is staying with us this week because Lisa is on vacation. Therefore, I didn't really have to get the kids ready so I made the 30 minutes up pretty quickly. Raelynn is going through a phase right now where she doesn't want me ever to leave her so we had our morning cry when I left. I say "our" because when I leave and she is crying and begging me not to go I barely make it to the car before I am crying to. I wish I could stay with her I really do but I know I have to work. I have to work financially yes, but I truly think if I didn't I would be miserable. I just wish I could do both. So I made it to work on time now that Tom changed our office hours from 8:30am to 9am. This was the best thing ever. I am so much more relaxed in the mornings not stressing about being late and the funny thing is I am usually there now earlier than I was before. Anyway, so back to my day, work was chaos of course seeing as it was Monday and it is a short week. Jill was just leaving for lunch when I got a call from Karli. Cooper was throwing up and wouldn't stop crying and I could tell Karli couldn't either. I stopped Jill and begged for a lunch change and was out the door. When I got home Cooper was calmed but still pretty irritable. I am quite sure we are experiencing withdraw issues again as Sunday was another cut back on his Methadone and Adivan and he did not seem to be taking it too well. He is throwing up, sweating, itching and has diarrhea, all signs of withdraw. So I assured Karli I understood how scary it all was and how overwhelmed you can feel. I felt so bad for her because I really do know. I spent at least the first 2 days home crying because I never thought I could handle this. So I loaded Cooper, his medicine, his food and feeding pump, diaper bag, a few toys and his play mat and out the door we went back to work. Of course Raelynn loved this, remember she wanted to go with me this morning. We convinced her that she and Karli would have much more fun at the park. I got back to the chaos at work and thankfully Cooper fell asleep after about an hour. He slept all afternoon!!!! This was great for work but is sure to be hell tonight. Anyway, we are still fighting the withdraw this evening and I plan to call the doctors in the morning to see what they think. There is such a fine line we have to walk to make sure that he does not withdraw so hard that it causes problems with his heart but yet push it far enough that we get him off these drugs. Mommies shouldn't have to worry about this stuff. However, I am so thankful I have him to worry about. In between all of this I was also trying to get his Methadone prescription refilled. It is a controlled substance so the prescription cannot be faxed or called in. This left me with 3 options; pick it up at CMH in KC, drive to CMH in KC to pick up the written prescription or convince my local pediatrician to write the prescription and hand deliver it to my pharmacy. Of course I opted for the 3rd and called begging. They are the greatest people and the nurse we always look forward to seeing, Jill, took care of everything. I was able to pick it up right after work. Cooper and I rushed home after picking up the prescription just in time to tell Raelynn goodbye as she got to go with Aunt Bonnie to Tristen's baseball game. She looked so cute going off with Aunt Bonnie and she had a great time. She was most excited about the fact that Aunt Bonnie packed cheese and fruit for their picnic. She told me she ate all but 3 of the cheeses. I asked her what Aunt Bonnie ate and she said, "She's wasn't hungry!" It was so cute. So tomorrow is sure to bring its own "fun" and we will work through that too. Tomorrow is Raelynn's actual birthday and I want to do everything in my power to make it a special day for her!