Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well the first interview is over and I guess it went alright. Terry and I both started crying and Raelynn was a maniac. With today's technology and a lot of editing I am hoping it turns out good. The article will run in the Lawrence Journal World on Saturday or Sunday and the news clip will be on Sunday at the 10pm news. I am so nervous to see it. I thought of a million things I wish I had said and a few I wished I hadn't but we'll see.

After the interview we went to Parent's Night at Raelynn's Pre School. Raelynn and Cooper got to go play with Kelly, Brett and Kaden. The loved it and I loved Parent's Night! It was so great! Raelynn is going to real school now, I almost cried and Terry almost fell asleep!!! Just kidding, he loved it too. Her teachers, Ms. Hanf and Mrs. Strong are awesome and seem so excited to teach the kids. It is ridiculous how cute I think all of this is. Seriously, I would have never dreamed it, but I love being a Mom. I love all the organization of the teachers too. They have everything so spelled out and we can keep track of exactly what our kids are learning so we can practice at home. They have things all set up so we can also see at any time how Raelynn is progressing and what she needs to work on. I swear I am more excited than Raelynn!!! She will go to a pre school orientation on Thursday and then her first day is Friday. She is going to love it. We bought her this little pre school T-shirt that she has to wear on field trips. Yes she gets to go on field trips. Isn't that so cute! There was another Mom there that was just as silly about all this as I am, I liked her right away. :) Anyway, who would have ever imagined I would be excited for school, hahaha!


Anonymous said...

The Keefers--local celebrities :)

Ha! Glad the interview went well. I can't wait to read the article. I'll see you guys on the 20th!
