This weekend fall was all around us. The trees are changing and the winds are blowing. The only crazy thing is that it is still super warm which I love!!! I usually am not a big fan of fall but this year we have all the good parts without the cold. I decorated the house last weekend and lit some fall scented candles so it is all starting to get cozy around here!
On Friday I got to go to the pumpkin patch with Coop for preschool. It was so windy and dusty that we got disgustingly dirty but had a blast. He picked out the perfect pumpkin, one he could carry by himself. We played hard and I finally got to meet some of the kids he talks about. He is just growing by leaps and bounds not only in size but in maturity as well.
Tonight I reminded him he had school pictures Wednesday and said we would have to find him something cute to wear. He said, "maybe I should wear my tie!" He is such a cutie! Tonight we were at swimming lessons and after his lesson he says, "watch Mommy I can swim by myself." He jumps in the pool and swims from the side across the lane to the rope. I cheered and congratulated him. Then he attempted to swim back. He got half way and decided it was too far and turned back around to the rope but the rope looked too far too and he turned back around to the side. He started to panicked and inside so did I but I encouraged him to go back to the rope which he did but he scared himself. He held tight to the rope and cried like crazy. I had yanked my jacket off and was getting pretty close to going in to get him when one of the instructors came over to help. We got him out of the pool and he held on so tight. I wanted to just hold him and console him but I also knew I didn't want him scared so I loosened his grip and with a big smile told him how proud I was of him. I had him look out at the pool and see how far he swam by himself. He eventually smiled and hopefully won't be too spooked next time.
Raelynn is doing great in school and I am amazed at what she is learning. She knows addition, subtraction and is working on multiplication; she knows prepositions and what quotations are used for. I ask her often if she is learning all this in school and sometimes she says yes and sometimes she says at Boys and Girls Club and sometimes she says from older kids. What I do know is she is like a sponge and absorbs everything! I know for a fact I did not know the things she knows at 6! Tonight she informed me she was publishing a book! She followed it up by, "well not with a professional publisher but Mrs. Shireman is helping us publish our books.........Mom I don't know what I want to be when I grow up." I assured her she had time and would probably change her mind several times until she settled on a career. She asked what if she never decides and I said, "Well then I guess it is a good thing Dad is finishing the basement so you can live down there." We both laughed! A few nights ago after we read her story and we were laying in bed talking and she says, "Mom you know people that are special are the nicest?" "What do you mean?" "You know, people that are special like "Susie" (a girl at her school who is in a wheelchair) she is special and she is so nice, and you know "Jenny" (another girl from her school with cerebral palsy) she is special and she's really nice too, and I am nice and I am special because I am really good at math." I chuckled and said "well I don't think being good at math makes you special." Raelynn is very serious and says, "I know, having a special brother like Cooper is what makes me special and that's why I am nice." I assured her there were many reasons she was special and being nice was just one of those. I sometimes wish I could crawl in her mind and see her every thought because the thoughts that come out amaze me and I can only imagine those that don't!
Last week I joined the Daisy Troop on a trip to the zoo and we had a blast!
Today is my parent's 40th Wedding Anniversary! That is an incredibly long time and to survive 4 daughters makes it that much more amazing! I love them both very much and am extremely fortunate to have grown up with them both!!!!
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