You know how there are those does when nothing goes right? Well today was NOT one of those days! The morning started bright and early as we had the presentation of funds for CCF for the family that was selected to receive funding this year. We met the Nichol's Family for the first time today and they were wonderful. They were so grateful and already talking about how they could give back and support the foundation! Their son, Ethan, was adorable and even chubby which you don't see often in heart kids which made him even cuter! We also met a new "partner" in CCF. Shelbie is a local Mom who had contacted us about making these special shirts for the heart kids we fund. They are shirts that open in the front so the kiddos can wear them while at their doctor appointments and in the hospital. I was so excited when she contacted us about doing this but I was even more excited when I met her today. She is absolutely delightful and her son, Noah, was adorable too. Anyway, it was a very inspiring morning and always my favorite "event" of the year. We are so very lucky to be able to be doing what we are. I just cannot even tell you how fortunate we are. The other such rewarding side of it is to watch Raelynn and Cooper grow in all of this. Coop is finally starting to really get it and what is really cool about it is it just seems like he knows this is what he is to be doing. It is not like it's anything special but yet he takes it seriously. I don't really know how to explain it other than he is falling in the role very well. Today after we got home and the kids were playing they were pretending to do their own presentation of funds and Coop is the one who started the role play. He announced the recipients and explained the foundation and let me tell you, he explained it very well. Then he handed the play mic over to Raelynn and he introduced her as "Raelynn from Raelynn's Rock Stars, the original Rock Star!" It fills me with pride to listen to them. So with a start to the day like that, it is no wonder the day went just as well.
After the presentation we headed to Target to get Valentine's Day things for parties on Tuesday then headed to Cheer and Soccer. Both kids did great and finally about 1:30pm we headed home. I had promised the kids we would stop at Red Box and get Dolphin Tales as Raelynn has been wanting to see it so badly. We got home and sat up a carpet picnic for lunch while we watched the movie. For the first time in forever, I sat with them and watch the entire movie which by the way was so good. It was awesome to just sit and enjoy the movie and Raelynn and Coop. After that, the kids played, I cleaned and Terry worked on the basement. It was such a warm day inside with the family. It is days like these that I wonder how I got so lucky!
Last week, really in general, was a pretty good week. Cooper is continuing to be his aggressive self and wrestling with Dad has became his new favorite past time. Raelynn and I are just glad it is Dad he is wrestling with because we have both decided he is too much for us to handle :). Raelynn continues to keep me smiling with her grown up thoughts and actions. Our church is doing this series on 40 Days in the Word and they are asking you to try to make changes in your habits for just 40 Days and see how it changes your life. One of the things I decided to do is change from my usual Hip Hop music to Christian Rock while I am in the car. One day this week Raelynn gets in the car after school and as I turn on the car she says, "Really Mom? Do we have to listen to KLove? Aren't you over this phase yet?" I just cracked up as she continued, "It's just so boring. It's not like Katy Perry. I like her beat, it's cool and makes you want to move. This just makes me want to sleep. Why can't Katy Perry sing about God, I would like that." Part of the reason I found so much humor in this is that I didn't even know she knew who Katy Perry is. She also referenced Rush and Lady GaGa which just gave me confirmation that my switch to the Christian Rock station may not be such a bad idea.
In other family news, my older sister, Sherri, got married on Friday. This was all a surprise to us as we received a picture with a text message stating, Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Smith. So congratulations and as Terry said, thanks for the invite! Hahahaha!
Today was such a good day I think I might even turn in a little early tonight and count my blessings as they are plentiful!
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