Wednesday, May 16, 2012


As most of you know Coop is doing amazing in regards to his heart defects.  Today we had his annual check up.  Every time we approach a cardiology appointment or surgery Coop is a little older and the issues we face are a little different.  Last night I reminded him that we had an appointment this morning and he says to me, "Are they going to cut my chest open again?"  I assured him they were not that it was just a check up.  He replies, "Good because I didn't pack my bag and it's a little boring!"  It was funny to think that he would refer to surgery as "boring" because that is one word I would not have used to describe his surgeries.  This morning Coop woke up winy and remained that way until we were headed to CMH.  He objected on the way out to the car and said he did not want to go.  Once we arrived he seemed ok and everything went well.  However we did leave with a heart monitor for the next 24 hours.  It is primarily precautionary but his heart rate and blood pressure were very low today.  They are looking to see that his heart rate increases as his activity increases and that his heart beats are not irregular.  The monitor is of course connected to "stickers" on his chest and then the monitor hangs in a bag like a purse. From the time they put the monitor on him until about an hour afterwards Cooper said nothing.  Not one little peep.  He finally did talk to tell me he wanted the monitor off.  He protested as I took him to Mary Beth's also.  He said he didn't want the kids to see it.  Luckily we have the most amazing daycare ever and his 4 best friends were right there when we arrived to look at the monitor, talk about it and encourage Coop that it was "cool".  He will wear the monitor until 1pm tomorrow and then we will return it and they will call with the readings.  We are all just praying for good news!  We really are not concerned but will be happy to get confirmation that everything is working as it should.  Coop is 3' 2" tall and weighs 32 lbs now.  Little by little he is growing :)


Stefenie said...

Praying that you get good results from Coop's monitor!