Tuesday, April 16, 2013

WE WANT A PET.......

WE WANT A PET.......has been a relentless request from Cooper and Raelynn lately.  I remind them that we do have a pet but they simply say Poho is Dad's dog not there's.  If you know me, you know I do not love animals.....really I don't even like them much.  They are dirty, smelly, time consuming and costly and not one of those characteristics do I like.  (You know until I typed this I didn't realize that my children have the same characteristics and somehow I love them dearly so maybe and pet does have a chance.)  Anyway, I was getting really tired of saying no to the whole pet discussion and was getting even more tired of the constant request and discussion about WHY they couldn't have a pet and I am not one to say, "because I said so."  That is one of my very least favorite things I hear parents say.  So, last night I decided to quiet them for awhile anyway.  When Raelynn and Cooper started in asking if they could have some pet, anything, I told them that if they researched the pet they wanted, the cost associated with the pet, the items needed to have the pet, the vet costs associated, the amount of food it ate, etc and then they could make a presentation to me and then IF their presentation interested me, I would entertain the idea of a pet.  Now my kids know they have their work cut out for them but they got to work right away.  I also told them that until their research was complete and their presentation was ready, I did not want to hear one word about it!  So I have temporarily curbed the pet discussion but it doesn't sound like it is going to take them long.  Last night the kids were on the computer researching and Raelynn even called a local shelter for information which was hilarious.  I did overhear that they are researching a Bunny which is sooo much better than some form of a rat I was afraid they would be researching.  I did hear Coop ask Raelynn if they could get a Monkey instead of a Bunny but Raelynn told him she couldn't find a monkey anywhere to buy and he could just visit the zoo to see a monkey or look in the mirror!  I also found out today she has recruited a few of her classmates to help with the research which her teacher found to be very efficient.  What the kids don't realize is that even if they complete their research and their presentation is amazing then I have a Plan B.  It is called a Trial Run.  I will have a fake Bunny that they have to care for for 2 weeks.  This Bunny will begin to smell, will have diarrhea and will even go missing before the 2 weeks are up.  I have it all planned and it is going to be horrible.  It is amazing what you can learn on the Internet about how to create horrific fake poo!!!  Anyway, after all that if they still want a Bunny I will tell them it is up to their Father, hahaha!  The point is I do not have to discuss the pet topic for at least a week :)