Saturday, August 30, 2008


Nothing too exciting finished out our week and that is good. I was exhausted. Terry started reffing football Friday night. I am glad he does it for him but it was a little rough around here. Cooper seems to be getting very spoiled about being held and it is impossible to hold him the entire evening while still getting dinner, bathing Raelynn and putting her to bed. Needless to say there was a lot of crying Friday night, from us all. It will get better I am sure. I just usually hand Cooper off to Terry why I get Raelynn bathed and to bed and it is so much easier that way.

Steph and Cody were in town again and stopped by today for lunch. Raelynn loves Cody and it is so cute to watch him with her. He is very good with both the kids. I am really enjoying having Steph so close to see her so often. I had planned to clean after they left but started doing thank you's for those who helped with the Henry T's fundraiser. They did such a great job and I wanted everyone to know how appreciative we are. I started them about 2pm today and just finished. There were a lot of wonderful people involved!!!!!

Today Cooper, although very winy, decided he needed to drink water with ice out of my glass. He drank it like he had never had water before at three different times. He also drank a yogurt drink, ate some Won Tons and a fortune cookie. I don't know what got into him but it all had to be on his own time. I tried to give him a drink at one point and he batted at it like he always does now. Not 20 minutes later he was grabbing for my glass and took several drinks. If only I could figure him out. I just hope we are getting closer!!!

I have added a link over to the right. This is Raelynn's Preschool Class's Website. Her teacher says it is a work in progress but it is suppose to be updated throughout the year and even pictures posted. Isn't that sooooo cute!!!


Michelle said...

I can't believe how awesome he looks! It is so wonderful to see his adorable little self! You are all such an amazing family, I think of you all often, here is my email address if you would like to keep in touch.
Michelle - PICU/ECMO nurse