Monday, August 18, 2008


Ok, things have gotten crazy. Today I got a call from Channel 6 News and they want to do a story on Cooper.....tomorrow. What?!!!! Don't they know I am a planner and there is the house to clean, what the kids should wear, what Terry and I should wear, is the yard mowed?, has the dog had a bath this week?, are the toys picked up in Raelynn's pool outside? Then, I took a deep breath and remembered they are here to do a story on Cooper and our family not on how clean is Kristi's house!!! This helped a little :). So tomorrow they will be here at 5:45pm to do their story and then we are off to parent's night at Raelynn's school. Then Wednesday the Journal World will be here to do an article in the paper and Thursday morning I will be on the Lazer to do a little interview on the morning show. This is all very exciting and to think someone in a similar situation may see this and feel better knowing they are not the only ones going through this. Anyway, I cannot believe all of this but just hope I make Cooper proud in our presentation of his experience.

So as exciting as all of that is, Cooper has been even more exciting. Sunday afternoon Coop decided to talk! I haven't talked a lot about this but Cooper has not been very vocal. He had just started making sounds when we went into the hospital last time and since then he has talked a little but not much. Working with Tiny K Terry and I really realized how he was lacking in this area. They had given us some pointers and sound recognition to work on with him. Then Sunday afternoon he just seemed to open right up and start babbling. He talked all afternoon and then again today. It is so cute to hear his little voice and watch his facial expressions as he talks. Terry and I are convinced he is yelling at us at times but we just laugh. Tonight on our way home he was talking up a storm and I said, "What did you say Cooper" and Raelynn said, "Oh Mom he's just talking to me, blah blah blah!" I thought I was going to crack up because anytime Raelynn is babbling about something crazy I say blah blah blah! Tonight we tried to catch a little glimpse of his talking to share with you all. The picture quality is horrible because I had to hide to record him. Every time I tried to and he saw he would stop talking. If you can't hear it because of the music on the blog, scroll to the bottom and mute the music. Enjoy!!!


Huber Family said...

What a sweet voice Cooper has!!! Good luck with all of your interviews = )

The Wiley Clan said...

Yeah for Cooper! :)

Media week sounds VERY exciting! What a great opportunity to spread the word about Cooper's Cause and bring comfort to other families in simlilar siutations. You'll do great!!! :)