Thursday, August 21, 2008


Well the interviews are over for the week. The photographer that came Wednesday night for the LJWorld was so nice. He was great with the kids and just flashed away as we went about our nightly routine. He is actually sending us all the pictures too so I am very excited about that. This morning was the live interview with the Lazer and I think it went pretty well. I was so nervous but once we got started I relaxed a little. The DJ's were great too and asked the perfect questions. Isaac got us in contact with KSNTV out of Topeka. They emailed me late this afternoon and we are trying to set something up with them. The media attention has really surprised me but I think it is wonderful to be able to get our story out there. Setting up the foundation is getting a little frustrating but I refuse to give up on this and it will happen I am just shocked at all the hoops you have to jump through and the expense associated with trying to give money to other people. I am enjoying the challenge though I must admit. I feel like I have been incredibly busy and honestly I think I do better when I am. Also today I received an email from a Mom of a little boy who has cardiac issues very similar to Cooper's. She lives right here in Lawrence and I was quite touched by her email. She provided me with her phone number and said if I ever wanted to talk to call her and she and her son were going to be at the 5K/Fun Run to help support us. I was really touched by her and plan to call her this weekend. I just keep saying how touched I am by things that have came about since Cooper's birth but I am truly convinced that setting aside the suffering Cooper has had to endure, this has probably been one of the best things in a weird sort of way that has ever happened to me. I am a better person and a better Mom because of our situation, not that I would have chose this path if it was up to me, but given the situation I think we are very blessed for what has come out of it.

So Raelynn will head to her first day of preschool tomorrow. I am sure to cry!!! She is just so grown up!!! I continue to be in awe with her. She gets frustrated now with the things she cannot do. She is very independent. I love to watch her learn how to handle her emotions and learn to solve her own problems. I think the hardest thing for me right now is not just jumping in and fixing everything for her. We talk through her emotions and try to find resolutions to her problems. I am trying to teach her to talk things out because neither Terry or I are talkers. We are much better at not talking then talking when it comes to our emotions so I want Raelynn to learn a better way. Tonight she had a meltdown as soon as we got home because she wanted a sucker and couldn't find them. She never bothered to ask me, just became angry when she could not get one for her and Cooper on her own. After she spent some time in her room "calming down" she says to me, " I got mad because I can't find the sucker". I asked why she didn't just ask me to help her find them. She said because if I asked you, you would know Cooper and I were eating suckers before dinner and then wouldn't let us. I cracked up, she was right! What a delima that left her in. Really I have no idea how any parent can get furious with their kids. If you take two seconds to think of the situation from their perspective, it is always humerus!

So tomorrow I am headed to Manhattan to help my little sis move into her dorm. I have no idea how my Mom can do it, I am almost ready to cry. I remember when Steph was 3. It was the year I was moving out and heading to K-State myself. I was in my room crying so hard and there walked in my oh so fat 3 year old sister, one of the reasons I was crying so hard and didn't want to leave. Now she is the one going off to college. I have to admit I am so happy she is moving closer to me. It will be good to have a sis close by again. I am looking forward to tomorrow so much for so many reasons. I missed Steph's graduation because of Cooper's surgery and so I feel like this will be something I can do to make up for that. I also am looking forward to a day off. It is just me, no work, no doctor appointments, no kids, just me, my Mom and my sis. It will be a lot of fun and I am sure bring back a lot of fun memories.


Anonymous said...

Well said.