Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful the turn out was for the Cooper's Cause Fundraiser at Henry T's. The night began with a limo ride from our house to T's. That started a little shaky because she was 45 minutes late and you can imagine how irritated I was getting :). That was soon forgotten though when we arrived. The place was packed! There were people greeting us and wishing us well before we even walked in. Our little Cooper was a celebrity!!! Terry with Cooper in hand and I spent the whole evening greeting the amazing people who took time out of their busy schedules to help our cause. It was so humbling. I smiled the whole night, not because it was the polite thing to do but because I couldn't help not to. People were so generous and thoughtful. It wasn't even the funds we collected that astonished us the most but rather the kind words and heartwarming stories we heard. People as sooooo good! There were so many people that we did not even know that went out of their way to stop in and support us. I truly am amazed and this is an experience I will never forget. I have heard that this is the biggest fundraiser T's has ever had and that makes me feel so good. Terry and I keep thinking, what if we are able to help another family even this year???? I cannot wait to make another family feel as special as we do. We count our blessings nightly not only for our two beautiful children but for our wonderful friends and family. Cooper made quite a showing himself pulling his feeding tube right there in the middle of everything. We just laughed!!!

Steph and Cody came up for the evening as well. It is really great having Steph so close. It was pretty funny because Steph kept being mistaken for me. There was a point she gave up trying to tell people she wasn't me and just went along with it. Especially when it came to the benefits of them thinking she was over 21 :) Anyway, it was a really good time and great she and Cody could be there.

So this morning, after not getting to bed til around midnight, Raelynn was a little groggy. She was a real trooper though and got herself up and dressed. I woke her up pretty late so I was a little rushed leaving. It is her job to feed Poho so as I was leaving I told her she needed to feed Poho. She looked at me and said, "Mom, look at the clock, we are running late again! We do not have time for that now!" The girl is hilarious and now she is starting to know she is funny because her little comments are always followed by a sweet little smile. After school we went for her annual well check. She is now 34lbs and almost 38 inches. The funny thing of this all is that remembering she was born at a little over 4lbs, she is now in the 59% for height and 76% for weight. I told her she may be eating too many cookies!!! As we were leaving there was a lady jogging by. Raelynn asked me if she was running for her kids. I smiled and said yes she probably was. She replied, "She is a good Mom." Raelynn always asks me why I run in the mornings and I tell her so I can stay healthy so I can take care of and play with her and Cooper. It was cute that she really understands my words.

Tonight Terry got home after we had all eaten. I was helping Raelynn finish her shower. Terry had filled a plate and was eating with Cooper on his lap. The next thing I know Terry hollers for us to come here. There Coop was sitting on Terry's lap with Terry's fork eating the gravy off of his chicken fried steak. He ate 4 or 5 bites all on his own putting the fork right in his mouth and loved it!!! A little later on I gave him a piece of licorice and he put it right in his mouth and started gumming it like crazy. Maybe, just maybe, we are starting to get somewhere with the whole eating thing.