Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This past weekend we had a so much fun but as always ran out of time. Friday night Raelynn had her program for VBS. Before we headed over there we had a little pool party with some friends. This is top secret though because Raelynn was at VBS and all her little friends were at the pool party. She would not be happy with me! We made it to her program after that which is always a treat. Just to give you a little idea of the fun....
Saturday was a mixture of fun and sadness. Saturday morning we were trying to clean. Raelynn decided she wanted to help so to keep her occupied so I could finish cleaning I told her she could clean her mirror. I figured I would have to do it over but at least she would be busy. Before I knew it she said she was done and wanted to move on to vacuuming. I went in to her room to check out the mirrors and they were spotless. I am notkidding, there were no smudges or streaks. I was was very happy and told her she could vacuum. I started her in Coop's room. It had been quite some time so I went into Coop's room to see what was taking so long and there she was, hose removed, brush on end, vacuuming the base boards. I had never been so proud!!! She is no doubt my daughter. I flashed her a smile of approval and carried on with my own cleaning. Before she was done she had vacuumed Cooper's room, her room and all the rugs.
Saturday afternoon we celebrated the life of a good friend of ours that passed away at the age of 39 due to cancer. Although he wanted it to be a celebration I could not help cry. They showed picture after picture of he and his son and all I could think was that their sweet boy no longer had his Dad. They are wonderful people and are amazingly strong. I am so proud of both his wife and his son. I just hope Raelynn and Cooper will have both Terry and I by their sides for years and years to come.
Saturday night one of my friends came to town. It was great to see her. We hardly ever get together but when we do it is like we had never been apart. We had a great time chatting away. Raelynn insisted on creating her on the Wii which she was a great sport and let Raelynn create her. Unfortunately, the creature Raelynn created would scare any average person. Since then Raelynn has shown everyone "Amy" that has come to the house. She finds it quite comical.
Sunday, after church, Raelynn had an outing with her best buddy, Kaden, and Kelly. They had been unable to make it to her birthday so they had a little celebration of their own. It was a great idea and Raelynn loved it. She had a blast and was introduced to shaved ice. I am pretty sure we will be eating shaved ice every weekend now!
Tomorrow we leave for vacation to the Ozarks. I am so excited! Karli is coming with us and we have so much fun planned. I love the lake and found out they have great outlet malls, what more could a girl want! Not to mention the thought of having 4 whole days with no obligations to meet or a "to do" list, it will be like heaven!