Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The morning started out so great. Coop decided he would help me wake Raelynn up. He goes into her room and with his tiny fingers he brushes her bangs to the side and whispers, "Good morning Tissy (Sissy)!" A smile instantly beamed on Raelynn's face as she stretched and slowly opened her eyes, "Good morning Buddy!" I can not think of a better way to start the morning.

Then the morning took a turn, we had Coop's third synagis shot this morning. The shot is based on weight so Coop always gets weighed, then examined by Dr. Kelley and then the shots. We strip him down and out to the scales we go and that is when we find out the Cooper has lost 3 oz over the last month. That might not sound like much, but any loss with Coop is a big deal. Dr. Kelley measured his liver and examined him and his heart and we talked. We feel like his weight loss is just due to his increase in activity and therefore there is little we can do. We already fortify his milk to the maximum amount his body will stand for so there is really little we can do. Terry and I knew he was increasing his activity because he was actually starting to take breaks during play. Because of his reduced oxygen supply, when he plays hard or is running around or going up and down stairs he is easily "winded". There have been a couple times that he has just laid down for a minute or two after he has been running around and we notice his hands and lips appear a little dusky. Anyway, the weight loss was very discouraging and if he continues to loose we will have to go back to a slow feeding drip during the night. This means we would go back to a feeding tube and let it run slowly over the night while he sleeps. Can you imagine holding him down every night and inserting a feeding tube up his little nose and down to his stomach while he yells, "No Mommy" or "it hurts Mommy"? No this is not something I want to imagine let alone actually have to do. Dr. Kelley was trying to be encouraging and said we will list his feeding as stable this month and reevaluate his weight next month and go from there. I know this should not be that big of a deal but for some reason it seemed horrible to me. It does not help that Coop cries so hard when he gets his 2 huge synagis shots and repeatedly tells me how his "shots hurt" and how he holds on so tight to my neck afterwards that I actually feel the shots myself and then I have to take him to daycare, tell him he will be fine and leave while all I want to do is continue holding him. Anyway, I know this is minor but I like the appointments where he gains weight much much better!