Sunday, March 7, 2010


The past week had so many funny and warming times it is hard to recap them all. I need to update more often but like everything else it is a time factor. Wednesday night Steph and Cody came up and went to the KU/K-State game with Terry and Raelynn while Coop and I went to the Pollard's to watch. They had a great time at the game and Raelynn was a champ staying clear to the end and even listening to Sherron's speech. When she got home and I asked her how the game went she said, "It was great, KU won and Sherron even cried. It was emotional!" Her big words and perception of things always makes me chuckle. Earlier in the day at preschool, Raelynn had gotten a little upset at her teacher for a little KU/K-State joke. Every day I write a note to Raelynn in her lunch bag. Of course she is still learning to read so her teacher reads the note to her. On Wednesday I had written, "Get ready to cheer on those Hawks! Rock Chalk Jayhawk!" Instead her teacher read to her, "Get ready to cheer on those Wildcates! Go K-State!". They thought this would be funny but Raelynn found no humor in it at all. As a matter of fact she was very upset. When I arrived to pick her up she walked out of her room with a frown on her face and said, "Let's go Mom". This is very unusual for Raelynn so I stopped and knelt down to ask her what was wrong. She did not want to tell me but her teacher did. After further discussion with her I could not figure out if she was more upset about their KU joke or that she trusted her teacher to read what I wrote and now her trust was broken. Anyway, needless to say, her teachers were apologetic and we assured her that they would read just what I wrote from now on. Raelynn also entertained us this week when one morning as she ate breakfast she broke into an air guitar solo. It was hilarious! She was a rocker for sure! I would have given anything to have recorded it and I have no idea what brought it on but she is an amazing air guitarist! She also came to the realization that taking a nap during the day was not such a good idea. One night Raelynn still lay awake at 10:15pm. We heard her singing and playing with her animals and just having a good 'ole time. Then I hear her ask for me. I go back there and say to her, "Raelynn you need to get to sleep!" She says,"that is what I want to talk to you about, I don't think taking a nap is a good idea because my eyes just won't listen at night when they nap during the day!" She ended her conclusion with a huge smile. Her wittiness is comical. Our laughs continued when on Thursday we had haircuts. Raelynn always has to go first. She hopped up into Demetria's chair and says, "I want it stacked in the back this time." Now how she knew what "stacked" is I have no idea but I thought Demetria was going to fall over laughing. So a "stack" is what she got and she looks pretty cute. So as you can tell Raelynn continues to grow her vocabulary and keeps us on our toes every day. Besides her wittiness she is also maturing. Coop got upset in his Sunday School class this morning. I guess Raelynn was walking by with her class to use the restroom when she heard Cooper crying. She stopped by to see what was going on and I guess Coop was pretty upset. With all the issues we are having with him, Raelynn knew that him being this upset was not good. She she comes into the sanctuary and walks right over to where I always sit. She says, "Mom Coop's upset and needs you, I tried to calm him down but he still wants you." She makes me so proud how she handles things so maturely and knows just how and what to do for her brother. It would be impossible for me to be prouder of her than I already am.

So yes we are continuing to deal with Coop throwing up and a few other things, but beside that he is talking up a storm. One morning I was loading the car and I hear the back door open and Cooper yells, "Mommy are you ready for me?" He is adorable! He continues to expand his vocabulary and is even getting out full sentences now. He and Raelynn play together so well and he loves his "Tissy" sooooo much as does she. Cooper is also wanting to do more and more on his own. He likes to try to dress himself, put on his shoes and coat and even pour his own drink. I love this stage. I love that they want to do things for themselves and this is such a great time for teaching and learning. It is also a time that makes us late for a lot of things! It is amazing how long it can take to talk a 2 year old through putting on his pants :) Today, Raelynn was going potty and all the sudden Coop says he has to go potty. We are being advised not to pursue potty training until after his surgery but I wasn't going to let this past. So Raelynn and I sat Coop up on the potty and encouraged him. I think he went a very little and he was very proud of himself. Wouldn't it be great if he just potty trained himself? I know wishful thinking.

Today we had 2 birthday parties. One for one of Raelynn's friends and the other for the kid's cousin, Skylar. They had so much fun at both! We love having family and friends to share time with. It also makes Mommy and Daddy slow down enough to watch and realize how wonderfully fortunate we are!