Tuesday, March 16, 2010

MARCH MADNESS.............

This past weekend we headed back to Scott City for my niece, Chandler's 10th Birthday. The kids travel pretty well. Coop is amazing. As long as we give him the DVD player he is set. Although, 6 hours of watching DVDs does take a toll on a person.

Raelynn continues to show my characteristics. She starts asking if we are there yet at about Topeka and when she isn't I am. Even though we are anxious to get there, she still does very well.

The weekend was fun and the party was great. Afterwards we visited the new park which is amazing, but it all goes by too quickly and before we knew it Sunday had arrived and we were headed back.

My other niece, Cassidy, came back with us. This week our daycare is closed and trying to find someone to watch the kids all week turned out to be quite a challenge. So Cassidy came back to watch the kids on Monday and Friday and spend the rest of the week with her Dad. Monday the kids had a great time with her and things seemed to go pretty well. The house was more than a little frightening when I arrived home but they did assure me they had picked up :). It is a very small thing considering my kids were taken well care of and had a great day! Thanks Cassidy so very much! Today we had things lined out for the kids but for various reasons things did not work out so Terry and I split the day. Terry took the kids to Kansas City with him to pick up supplies and then dropped by to me around 1pm. We headed home but not before treating Raelynn and Coop to Sonic. That is all they need to think they have had the perfect day! After we put Coop down for a nap we decided to do a little spring cleaning in Raelynn's room. We went through clothes and toys, washed windows, organized drawers and more. This sounds like it wouldn't be that much fun but it was great. Raelynn and I spent the entire afternoon side by side, talking, laughing and organizing. The girl is an amazing organizer. I have taught her well. When I directed her to her toy box to get it cleaned out, she says, "I will make 4 piles. 1 to keep, 1 to go downstairs, 1 to give to Coop and 1 to give away to the kids who don't have toys." By the time she was done, she had 1/2 the toys in her toy box that she did when she started. When we cleaned out her drawer that holds her hats, mittens and scarfs she told me I needed to keep things color coded. I could not have been prouder, hahaha! Anyway, we had a great day together and when she said our dinner prayer she thanked God for our warm home and our food but tonight she also added for giving her a day that she was half with Daddy and half with Mommy.

Coop had been doing pretty good with the throwing up but today he did twice. We are getting better and seeing it coming though and the Cooper Clean Up Machine was not needed! Coop is now choosing who he wants to put him to bed, give him a bath and pretty much everything else. "Mommy put Boo to bed", "Daddy need my medicine", "Tissy goodnight, I wuv you". I love how much he talks and what he says when he does. I am also astounded by how much of a prankster he is already. You will ask him to pick up his toys and he will walk right over to the toy, bend down as though he is going to pick it up, and then giggle and run off without it! I will ask him to quiet down a little and he will respond with "O TAY!" at the top of his lungs. He does everything with this little smile that you can hardly resist. I haven't really found a discipline technique that seems to have much impact on him but I figure being consistant and stern with our rules will pay off.....someday. I make it sound like he is super bad but really he is a great little boy it is just shocking to me how mischievous he is and he is only 2!

Tomorrow is the St. Patrick's Day Parade which we have a float in for Cooper's Cause Foundation. It is so much fun and we are all looking forward to it. Thank you to everyone who continues to support the foundation!

How could I forget our fun dress up time today after all our work was done!