Tuesday, March 9, 2010

OH THE CONVERSATIONS................

Our evening began with a run to Wal-mart for some quick household items. While we were there we briefly ran through the toy aisle to get an idea of what we might get Coop and Raelynn's little friend who is having a birthday party this weekend. As we wander down the aisles we approached the cars and Coop literally yells...."KADEN LIKE THAT! KADEN LIKE THAT TOO!" as he pointed from item to item. I told them we were just looking tonight and to think about what they would like to get him. Raelynn says, "Kaden is a good friend and he has been our friend for a very long time, we need to get him something very special." She tells me he likes dinosaurs and Elmo. We looked at a few other items too that they thought he might like. As we were leaving the toy aisle Raelynn says to me, "Maybe we should just get something now and then come back and get something more later so we don't spend so much all at once." Remind me, is she 4 or 40!

Tonight Coop came to the kitchen while I was getting dinner ready, "Mommy I poopy, my bath now! I sit on potty now!" All I could do is remind him that he should sit on the potty BEFORE he was poopy!

Later in the evening Coop recapped the night's episode of Berenstein Bears. Raelynn asked me, "when you were a cub, did you watch the bears?" She had no idea what was so funny about that.

Cooper told Raelynn, "Tissy I wuv you!" completely unprompted. Raelynn responds with, "I love you too buddy!"

As we say our bedtime prayers Raelynn tells Cooper he needs to say the prayer with us, Coop says "don't know prayer". Raelynn says, "it's ok buddy I had to learn it too, just say it after me and Mommy." Then very slowly we said our prayer, pausing after every few words for Coop to repeat. After we were done Raelynn says, "see Buddy you know it now." Then she turns to me and says "now if he'll just eat!" Seriously, the kids is so beyond her years!

Can you think of any better evening than to be blessed with these conversations. As Raelynn improves her communications skills, Coop is learning to talk in sentences. I think every age is better than the age before but for both of them together, these has to be the best ages ever!


Cassidy said...

Oh that is just 2 cute!!! they r growing up WAY to fast!!! :( ;)