Tuesday, March 2, 2010


This weekend my Aunt Barbara came to visit. Since my Grandmother passed my Aunt has been able to visit us about once a year. This year she came in on Friday afternoon and was able to stay with us until Monday morning. We did some cooking, baking, shopping and just hanging out at home. She did try to teach Raelynn, Cooper and I how to make a homemade pie crust which was delicious but really a lot of work considering I can pick one up at the store in less than 5 minutes. We made a coconut cream pie with the crust and to my surprise the coconut cream pie filling is also made from stuff other than a box! Then there was the meringue. Who knew egg whites could do that!

Cooper gave Aunt Barbara lots of love and I think she enjoyed that. It was a great visit for all of us.

Monday always rolls around way too quickly but the first two days of this week has already felt like a full week. Is it really only Tuesday? Today Dr. Kelley called about his consult with Coop's cardiac team. They have decided that they cannot make any decisions right now about Coop's stomach and eating issues without more information. What they did decide is that on April 2nd, while we are there for Coop's cardiac catheter, we will also meet with the gastroenterolisist. After we meet with them, they will consult with the cardiac team and determine if they want to do a Ph Test or scope or if they want to pursue a Gtube or Fundoplication surgery. If they do decide to pursue one of these avenues they will probably do so before his next open heart surgery so they can try to get a few more pounds on him. It seems that the doctors are getting concerned about Coop's weight even though he is still gaining. What they were clear about is that they will not do any of these procedures in conjunction with his cardiac procedures. Right now I am back and forth on what I think would be best for Coop. I think I am finally feeling a little overwhelmed just with current things going on in our lives along with the upcoming catheter and the anticipation of the open heart surgeries. I know we have the best team of doctors ever and that they will do what is best for Cooper but I can't shake the constant reminder of fear I have in my head. I watch Raelynn and Cooper daily become such amazing people and they make Terry and I laugh so much and so often. I just can't seem to get enough of them. I know my fears are just fears of the unknown and I know I have to just have faith that things will turn out the way God has planned but I can't help but continue to just hope and pray that God's plan for us is the same as my plan for us. The good news is we have 30 days before we have to do anything and so that is 30 more days I can make more memories with all of us!


The Dukes said...

That first picture of Cooper is hilarious! I love his face- like he's thinking "ooohhhhh- Peeps? I'll just slide. these. right. over. here. and she'll never notice!" Hahaha.