Monday, April 12, 2010

A WHOLE LOT OF FUN..............

Where do I begin?! This weekend was so much fun. My family got into town on Thursday night late! Friday Terry and I were off to work, Raelynn to school, Coop to Mary Beth's and Mom and Karli prom dress shopping. I met up with them over my lunch hour and helped make the final decision. Karli is going to look beautiful! She got a gorgeous dress! I have been fortunate enough to help both she and Steph shop for almost all of their prom dresses and I love it. I cannot wait to share that fun with Raelynn. The talk of prom and excitement actually led to me trying on all my prom dresses and even going back to my 8th Grade Promotion dress! If that didn't give us some good laughs! The good news is I could still wear them all although the 8th Grade Promotion dress would have definitely caused death from lack of oxygen if I had to wear it too long. This was Raelynn's favorite though because it looked like a princesses dress. Friday was also a treat because for the first time in months Coop took his swimming lesson without screaming. I have no idea why, but I guess he decided it was fun again. I was very thankful because I was getting to the point I was considering taking a break from swimming.

Saturday was our 2nd Annual Bowl-a-thon. It was a huge success bringing in way over our $1000 goal. The kids had a great time although it was very hectic. We also honored Raelynn for her being the original Rock Star that Raelynn's Rock Stars was created for. I think she felt pretty special and for once a part of Cooper's Cause Foundation was all hers.

Saturday night Steph and I attempted to make Mom a Lemon Meringue Pie for her birthday on Sunday. It was a disaster! First I bought instant pudding instead of cook & serve, the crust looked like death, and by the time we got around to using the meringue that we made way too in advance, it had lost it's stiffness. We basically trashed the entire first try and started again. The final pie was pretty good but still looked terrible. We actually had to have Mom help us on her own birthday pie to try to savage our disaster. It again gave us all a lot of laughs!
Steph and Karli laughing at my frustration....

Mom attempting to fix our mess....
(By the way, the beer bottle was definitely mine!)
The finished product....

Sunday was Mom's Birthday. We celebrated with a few gifts and of course, the Lemon Meringue Pie!
My family left after lunch and I did a fast and furious cleaning. Then Raelynn and I made banana splits and played some games while Coop napped. Then when Coop woke up we all headed to the park including Terry. It was great to get out and enjoy this wonderful weather! This is my time of year!

Oh, and we can't forget that Cowboy Cooper made his appearance this weekend and we haven't got the hat off of him yet!