Thursday, April 7, 2011

WHAT A DAY.............

Coop woke up around 2 a.m. this morning whimpering and crying and progressively got worse.  I gave him some of his pain meds and he eased back to sleep.  He woke up normal time this morning and seemed to be feeling pretty good.  We still put Coop in a pull up at night just in case.  So as we went to the bathroom this morning and pulled down his pull up, it had stuck.  I had to pull it off which caused bleeding, screaming and crying.....all from Cooper and the latter from me!  It was awful!  I felt so bad and he was adamant that he could wear undies to bed and he wouldn't wet the bed.  Needless to say we are giving it a try.  Had we even attempted to put a pull up on him tonight I think he would have went nuts and for good reason.  Anyway, we will see if we make it through the night dry.  Most of the day he did really well and you would not have even known he had surgery.  However he was still sore and after one run in with a dump truck he tried to jump on after pushing he was reminded that it is still tender.  Unfortunately I also think our little boy remembers all too well how nice Roxy Codone makes one feel.  We had been giving it to him every 6 hours and then giving him Ibuprofen every 3 to 4 hours.  This afternoon I figured it was time to start backing off a little but after his bath he was hurting pretty bad.  We went to the kitchen and I grabbed the Ibuprofen to give him.  He tells me, "No not that one I want that one!" and points to the Roxy Codone.  That sealed the deal for me and I put the Roxy Codone away.  We fought drug withdraw hard for 2 weeks after his second surgery and I am not doing that again.  I told him he would be fine with the Ibuprofen and there would be no more of the other that we could only take it in the beginning.  He didn't argue and that was that but all the same it brought back awful memories. 

Just to give you an idea of how "ok" he is..... today as we went to pick up Raelynn at school, I opened the door to the garage and then opened the garage door.  Coop was out the door and I had stopped in the door way to make sure I had my cell and keys.  As I look up I hear Coop say "Mommy Look!"  There Cooper was dangling from the garage door as it rose up.  He had grabbed on and took a little ride.  He was laughing and saying "Look at Me!"  Oh that boy and his adventurousness! 

We had another amazing surprise today.........we were called to a press release for the St. Patrick's Day Parade funding late this afternoon.  To our surprise Cooper's Cause Foundation was awarded $22,000!!!! This was incredible news and will go so far in awarding funds to families in need.  Bring on the application for 2011!!!  I have to say that this experience with the Lawrence St. Patrick's Day Parade has been demanding and sometimes a little difficult but they are an amazingly generous and fun group of people.  I vowed to be back next year to help the next round of deserving charities.  Thank you to all of those involved in the Lawrence St. Patrick's Day Parade, you all have so much to be proud of and we will be forever grateful!!!


The Dukes said...

Get the Vaseline out!! Lube up before bed time! And god forbid there's another "sticking" incident, put a little vaseline on it and let it moisten up a little and it should "unstick" on its own. Good luck!

And $22,000!!! WOW!!