Well summer is officially underway, Raelynn has been with Aunt Steph all week and Coop has played TBall and Soccer every night! This is almost how our whole summer goes!
Let's back up to where I left off. So Friday night we had friends over and grilled. That is for sure what the summer is all about! Then Saturday it was up for soccer and horse show time. Since Terry had the weekend off which NEVER happens he took Coop to his soccer game and I got to go to Raelynn's horse show. She did great as usual. She has really improved since last year. I think it is a lot to do with her age and maturity but it is getting pretty fun to watch. That is until things go a little crazy. During one of Raelynn's riding classes one of the other rider's horse spooked and took off in the arena. The first time the other kids kept their horses under control and besides me about having a heart attack it was all good. However, after the little girl regained control of her horse, she continued in the class. When all the kids were lined up for the judges, the horse went nuts again. This time it spooked some of the other horses including Raelynn's. First remember that these kids are all 6-9 years old and second I am not a horse person. For the most part I play it cool and stay calm but when Raelynn's horse took off I lost my coolness and jumped the fence. As soon as I was over the fence the announcer asked all parents to enter the arena to help their kids. The arena was flooded with people and by the time I got to the other side of the arena where Raelynn's horse had came to a stop she was shaking and crying. Adults were pulling kids off horses but I reached Raelynn the same time a guy was reaching for her. I grabbed his arm and said she was staying on the horse. She looked at me with her whole body shaking and said, "Mommy I want off the horse." With tears streaming my face I said, "I know sweetie, I want you off the horse too but you have to stay on the horse until your class is dismissed." Please know that I wanted nothing more than to pull her off that horse and hug her but I know if I did she may never get back on. She sat on top of the horse, a lady held the reins of the horse and I had my hands on her the whole time. The judges announcing the placings, which on a side note she did place with both judges, and then they dismissed the class. I looked up at her with both of us still crying and said, "you know you have to ride Charm out of the arena." I looked at the lady holding her reins and asked her to give the reins to Raelynn, she too had tears running down her face. She stayed right in front of the horse and I kept my hands on Raelynn and she rode her horse out of the arena. As soon as she was out, she looked down at me and asked if she could get down. I pulled her down and she hugged me tighter than I have ever been hugged before. We both just stood there crying and so did the nice woman that held on to Charm. It was probably one of the most scary experiences I have ever had. For an instance, as the horse ran and I could hear Raelynn yell Mommy and I was completely helpless outside the arena I felt like I had failed her, but once it was all over and I had time to think about it, I know that it made her a better rider and I know it probably isn't the last time she will scare me beyond words. She will spend Friday with Aunt Bonnie and they will ride most of the day. While they are riding and I am at work, I know there will be a heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach just hoping that she is not scared and that she still loves the ride as much as she did a week ago. Then Saturday she will have another horse show and will have to enter the arena again and I know she will be scared and nervous but I also know that in that instant she will grow as a rider and as a brave, hard working little girl. I just hope that I can maintain my appearance of strength because I know inside I will be even more scared and nervous than she will be!!!
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Raelynn and Charm before the craziness! |
After that excitement the rest of the weekend seemed pretty easy. Saturday night was our Family Meeting Night for the month and we decided to spend it with Nanny! We miss her very much!
We made time on Sunday for the pool and Monday we did absolutely NOTHING!
It was awesome. I tried to work on projects but those darn kids kept snuggling with me and making me laugh and well I just couldn't tear myself away :).
Raelynn has been at Steph's since Monday night. When I dropped her off I asked her to give me a pic I could look at when I was missing her. This once could not have been more perfect!
I know they are having a great time but boy do I miss her. They have had manis and pedis and been boot shopping so I am not sure she has really missed us at all but she at least pretends to during our nightly chats.
Coop and I have had some good bonding time and things have been relatively quiet around here with just one to take care of. I think Coop misses his sis too but has liked getting our full attention and a little extra spoiling here and there.
When I was downloading pics from my phone tonight, these showed up........I wonder who the photographer was?
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