Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Last night I get to daycare and there Raelynn was lying on the couch looking like death. I had been worried earlier in the day about Cooper but he was doing fine. I carry her out and we head home. Coop felt a little warm so I gave them both some ibuprofen and settled in. I figured it would be a long night and probably even longer day today. By 7pm Raelynn had eaten 3 apples and 2 graham crackers and PB and they were both playing. We put them to bed regular time and they both seemed fine. Around 1pm Raelynn woke not feeling well. I was up and down all night with her until I had to leave to teach aerobics around 4:30am. When I got back home Terry and she were on the couch and carpet cleaner was out. I knew what that meant, Raelynn had thrown up. So here we go. Now there are few things that happen in the Keefer household when someone has the flu. The first is "The Pail". When Raelynn was around 3 we had our first go around with the flu. I got out this pail I used when mopping the floors. I explained to her the pail was her friend. The pail was to never leave her side while she was sick. If she went to the bathroom, the pail went to, if she went to blow her nose, the pail went too, if she went to watch TV, the pail went too. I told her she could name the pail or decorate it or whatever she wanted but it was to be with her always and if she needed to throw up, the pail was to catch it, that was the pail's job. She has never thrown up without the pail since. (Except this morning when Dad put her on the couch without the pail!) Anyway, it has worked great. The other necessity is Lysol. So with pail and Lysol positioned we were ready. Raelynn watched TV and rested. By 7:30 am I had laundry done, floors mopped, beds stripped, and was starting to look for what was next when Coop woke up. He seemed just fine so I got him dressed and sent him out the door to stay as far away from Raelynn as possible. Raelynn was doing great and had ate pancakes and apples and was wanting to play babies. However,by 10:30am, I was picking Coop up and bringing him back home. Raelynn and I introduced Coop to "The Pail". Throwing up is nothing new to Cooper but it has always been related to health issues and not the flu. The flu is just different and I thought he was ready to learn the ropes. I thought he understood "The Pail's" job, he said "K" and everything. Minutes later I hear, "Mommy, Coop's throwing up and it is not in the pail". Where did we go wrong? We thought he understood. We have reviewed it again with him and we will see what happens.

So both the kids have thrown up and had a little fever but the real kicker is.....they do not seem sick. The kids are running around here like no other. They have played babies, had a dance party, ate lunch and are currently playing chase. I mean does this look like two kids with the flu?

I definitely don't think they are miserable. I am hoping this is just a 24 hour bug and we will be going good again tomorrow. Raelynn did ask me why God made her sick today. I told her God wasn't the one that made her sick, it was all those yucky germs in the air that made her sick. She replied back, "maybe we should start building an ark in case he makes it rain again to get rid of all the bad stuff". (We have been studying the story of Noah's Ark in Sunday School) I told her I would build an ark if God told me to but for now I would just continue taking care of her and Coop. Man the girl makes me laugh!


Huber Family said...

Bummer about the kiddos having the pukies! Hope they both feel better soon!!!