Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I think I have previously mentioned that Raelynn's personality has been changing and growing in the past few months. She understands sarcasm well now and is quite the joker. This all fits quite well in our household as sarcasm is a main source of communication around here. However, her wittiness catches me off guard sometimes now and constantly keeps me laughing. This morning was a perfect example. Our house is a "no shoe" house, shoes are never worn inside. This morning Raelynn got dressed and was headed down the hallway with her hands full of things she was taking with her, in my rush to get Coop's hair done and teeth brushed I noticed her shoes were on her feet and not in her hands to be set by the backdoor until we were ready to go. In passing I said, "Do shoes belong in the house?" Her response...."Well actually yes they do" which I interrupt at this point and say "Excuse me?" because I was sure she would not be talking back to me. She finishes her statement by saying, "I said actually shoes do belong in the house....just not on your feet in the house." How could I argue with that. I chuckled and told her to get them by the door. She new she had gotten me which always brings a smile to her face. Then we were headed to Mary Beth's. Raelynn was playing her DSi when I hear her say, "Come on people, can you make this a little easier I am just a kid!" Oh how fun she is going to be. The sarcasm is cute now, I hope I feel the same in another 5 years!