Sunday, November 21, 2010

THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM..................

This past week was probably the least busy week we have had in months.  It was awesome to just go home after work for a couple days and I could tell the kids enjoyed it too.  Friday night we got to go to the KU game which was the first game we have made it to this year.  We had a great time as always and now we actually make it to the end of the game which is nice for Terry and I.  Saturday I had "The Big Green Bee" which was a charity adult spelling bee.  It was a lot of fun.  We were HORRIBLE but it was fun :)

Really the only memorable events for this week was that Cooper no longer wants his hair spiked!  I have been spiking his hair for a long, long time and this week one morning as I sat him on the counter to do his hair he says, "No spikes!"  I asked him why not and he said, "I a big boy now not a baby!"  I assured him that spikes made him look like a big boy not a baby but ended up compromising that we would not spike his hair every day but I could once in awhile. 

As we approach this week all I can say is "take a deep breath"!  From now until Christmas we are booked solid with more things to get done that we will ever complete but we will do our best.  Raelynn loves the holidays and is starting to recognize our traditions which makes me want to carry on our traditions more than ever.  The day after Thanksgiving I always take the kids to Hallmark and they get to pick out a new ornament.  I ask them to pick something that reminds them about the past year.  On Saturday Raelynn says to me after we were talking about the fact that Thursday was Thanksgiving, "that means we get to pick out our ornaments on Friday and decorate for Christmas!!!!"  She was so excited which makes me excited.  All the efforts that go into Christmas preparation is all worth it when you see the twinkle in their eyes.  I can't wait either!!!


Jenny said...

awww Cooper! That's so cute- I can't believe he's outgrown his spiky hair. :) Hope you get a chance to enjoy the holidays with all the craziness. :)