Tuesday, November 30, 2010

THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY......................

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving break!  We have so much to be thankful for it was awesome to celebrate it.  On our way out to Terry's sister's for Thanksgiving Coop says out of the blue, "Mommy, I thankful for Mommy and Daddy!"  That was the perfect start to Thanksgiving Day!  We had a wonderfully delicious dinner and fun time with the family.  Coop and Raelynn had so much fun playing with their cousins.

My Mom and Karli drove in Thanksgiving late afternoon to be there when we got home from Bonnie's.  I was super glad to have them as Karli and I headed out early Friday morning for Black Friday shopping.  We left about 4am and had a great time finishing up our shopping.  I think we were home by 7:30am or so but we found some great deals!  Then it was time to decorate the house.  I honestly do not love decorating for holidays but the kids are really starting to get into it.  My Mom helped the kids decorate the Christmas Tree and told her who every ornament belonged too.  We got the house decorated and then headed to Hallmark to pick out their annual Christmas ornaments.  I ask them to pick something out that they love or reminds them of the past year.  Raelynn first found a beautiful ballerina that she was set on, but then stumbled across a Hanna Montana ornament that played music.  She was so excited and it was perfect because this year everything has been about Hanna or Taylor Swift :)  Coop on the other hand had some troubles finding the perfect ornament.  He was in love with this one that had a train going around it but they were all sold out.  I have to say I was relieved because it was a very expensive ornament.  Next he found a John Deere tractor that he was equally excited about but............out of stock.  Finally he found Mickey Mouse on a train and that seemed to do the trick!  Next we headed back home to get ready for the arrival of Santa.  Every year we head downtown for the arrival of Santa at Weavers.  It is always fun and this year was no different.  Coop, who is terrified of Santa, was in awe over the fire truck that came to rescue Santa from the top of Weavers.

After he watched that he says to us, "Santa nice guy, I like Santa now."  And that was that.  He now loves Santa and even sat on Santa's lap to tell him he wanted footy pajamies and chocolate chips.  His picture even made the front page news on Saturday morning!

Raelynn was much more prepared for her Santa visit and with list in hand informed Santa that she wanted a Princess Guitar, Gum, Candy Canes and her brother wanted Tic Tacs. 

After all of that fun we headed home where Cody and Steph had been waiting.  My kids adore Cody and Steph so more excitement!  Saturday was busy preparing for Coop's birthday at LGA.  It was a huge success.  Our friend Kelly made his Mickey Mouse cake and it looked awesome!  Coop loved it too!

The only not perfect thing that happened was Coop got his foot caught in the back of a chair.  We worked and worked to get it out and had decided we would cut the chair when Terry finally pulled the opening apart just enough to get Coop's foot out.  I have no idea how he pushed hard enough to get it in there but it sure was comically getting him free.  Randy, the guy in charge of our party admitted that had never happened before, I told him to leave it to Cooper to do something unexpected. 

After that we headed back to the house to celebrate my little sis, Karli's Birthday.  She is 18 today and we always celebrate with her sometime of the weekend while they are here for Coop's bday.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS!  You are one beautiful, kind, thoughtful and motivated woman.  I am so proud of you and grow prouder every day. 

Sunday was Coop's actual birthday so the day was all about him.  He got to open his presents after breakfast and then we made him his favorite dinner, meatloaf and puffy Cheetos's!  He played and played!  Sunday night we had Cooper's Birthday Bash for Cooper's Cause Foundation.  Everyone that ate at Johnny's West and used their Lawrence GiveBack card, 25% of their tab went back to the Foundation.  We had a great turn out and a lot of fun.  Needless to say, by the time we got home the kids were exhausted.  Monday morning rolled around way to earlier but we are on our way through another week.  We had an amazing time with family and friends and cannot wait to do it all over again at Christmas!


Jenny said...

What a great post! I love all the pictures and videos. Your daughter is hilarious with her Christmas list ready on Santas lap. :) Glad you are having a wonderful holiday season. :)