Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Today was Coop's appointment with his cardiologist and it started off a little silly.  Raelynn had awaken this morning around 3am complaining of an earache.  She finally went back to sleep about 5a.m.  I had went to be about 12:30am. so needless to say I was a little tired.  I was running a little behind because I was trying to get too many things done.  I usually dress Coop in the mornings but this morning I asked him to go start getting dressed and I would be there soon. He darted to his room where I had already laid his clothes out.  The next thing I know he comes into my bathroom with his jeans on his head, socks on his hands and shirt tucked into his pull up.  With an ornery little grin on his face he says, "I dressed Mommy!"  He knew I thought it was funny but we needed to hurry so I was trying not to laugh.  However, as I said, he knew I thought it was funny so he just kept smiling.  Anyway we did manage to get dressed the proper way.  We headed to visit Dr. Kaine in KC this afternoon.  His report was fantastic!  Coop now weighs 26lbs 7 oz and is 3' tall although Terry said the height doesn't count because they measured his spikes :)  His echo and EKG looks great.  We will take him off aspirin in January.  We do not need to restrict his activity at all at this time.  Basically, we can treat him just as any other3 year old and this is very exciting for us!  We are so proud of how tough Cooper has been and are just so pleased with his progress!!!


Jenny said...

Yea Cooper! What a great appointment! I can't wait for that day for our family. Just reading that he has no restrictions and almost no meds brought tears to my eyes. Have a Happy Thanksgiving Keefer family! :) :)