Thursday, January 20, 2011


Another snow day.....gotta love winters in Kansas.  Yesterday it started snowing hard.  Tom let us leave a little early from work so we could make it home.  I left around 4pm and picked the kids up and headed home.  It is amazing what an extra hour can do in the evening.  We got home and everyone changed into cozy warm clothes.  Raelynn told me that she and Coop should take the night off from bathes because of all the snow.  I am not sure what the snow had to do with them taking bathes but since we rarely ever skip a night of bathes I decided to agree with her.  So with an extra hour and no bathes we decided games and dance parties would fill our evening.  It was amazing how much time it seemed we had together.  After we had calmed down a little, ate dinner and were getting ready for bed, Raelynn and I were sitting on the floor watching American Idol.  I looked over at her and as she watched TV she looked so big.  I am so often taken back by her presence at the most unusual times.  There seems to be this transition that she is going through.  She is still a crazy little girl but then is such a controlled and intelligent young lady.  I am sure this is how I will see her grow up and go from stage to stage in her life but it leaves me in awe.  As I set there looking at her a smile spread across my face and I just needed to see her silly side.  I poked her on the arm.....she ignored me.......I poked her again......she ignored me........I poked her again.......she turns to me with a smile as if she knew all along what I was thinking.  She says to me, "You are so weird!" and then puts her arm around my neck and kisses me on the cheek, "but I love you still."  Sometimes I think our roles reverse just for short little flashes of time but when they do it is just enough for me to be assured that she and I will always have such a special relationship and reminds me to never take that for granted. 

Finally it was time for bed.  After Terry and Coop had read their bedtime story I went in to tell Coop goodnight.  I lay my head on his pillow and he was quiet for a minute.  Then he says, "Mommy, we need to buy Sissy a computer."  I clarify that he did say a computer and he responds, "Yea a pink computer, a laptop."  I chuckled because what a sure sign of the times that my 3 year old knows all about a laptop.  Anyway, I ask him why we should buy Sissy a computer and he tells  me because she really likes them.  Then he says, "you buy Sissy a pink one and I can have an orange computer."  I explained that computers were very expensive and we would have to save a lot of money but maybe one day we could get he and Sissy a computer.  That was about all there was to the conversation until this morning.  Coop and Raelynn spend a lot of time together playing and doing things together and apparently this morning Coop was filling Raelynn in about our computer discussion.  All the sudden she comes into our room and says, "Mom Cooper said we get a laptop in one day!?"  I started to laugh, "Maybe some day but no not in one day."  They were very disappointed but by tonight the thought was lost and no one seemed too sad about it.  I love my kids, I love their funny stories and not so funny jokes.  I love how they take things so literally and I even love when they aren't being cute! 


Jenny said...

Oh my gosh, you have me in tears! I couldn't agree more with your story about your daughter being so grown up. I have these moments all the time with my daughter. I can't believe how fast time flies!