Saturday, January 8, 2011


I often tell everyone that Coop is ornery but this week topped all.  One morning Raelynn and I were headed out the door to school.  Coop was in the living room watching Mickey Mouse and Terry was in the shower.  Right as I am shutting the door I hear Coop say in his small ashamed voice, "Mommy???" I stop immediately and head back to the living room because that voice always means something is wrong.  Coop meets me midway with his head hung low.  "I potty in my pants."  I was so disappointed because he has been doing amazingly.  As I swoop him up to head to the bathroom I say, "Oh Cooper" in my disappointed voice.  As I pick him up I notice he isn't wet.  I look down at his face which by this time covered by a huge smile.  "I gottcha Mommy!"  That little stinker hadn't pottied his pants, he had tricked me!  I, of course, laughed and then tickled him to death for "getting me".  As I left the house it occurred to me that if at age 3 he is pulling tricks like that, what will he be doing at 5!!!

Thursday night was a rough night at the Keefer household.  We often give the toys we out grow to Mary Beth for the daycare.  Apparently one of the toys we gave held a special place in Raelynn's sensitive heart.  It is this hippo pushing toy she had when she was first learning to walk.  We had gave it to Mary Beth awhile back but I am guessing on Thursday they had just gotten it out.  We had finished baths and all out nightly routine and were headed to bed.  Raelynn was very tired.  She lays down in bed and as I bend over to give her a kiss tears begin to roll.  She wanted her Hippo back!!!  You would have thought we had just lost the most important thing in the world to her. It took me a minute or two to even figure out what she was talking about. I lay with her and tried to console her but nothing worked and she eventually cried herself to sleep.  As I was walking out of her room and wondering to myself what that was all about and relieved that she had fallen asleep, Coop was walking in to tell Sissy good night.  I picked him up and told him Sissy was already asleep and I didn't want him to wake her.  His face turned to sadness and the bottom lip popped out and tears began to roll yet again!  "I not tell Sissy good night!  She can't go to sleep yet!"  It was so sad yet so sweet!  I promised him if he could quit crying I would let him go in and kiss her on the cheek.  He gathered himself and we went back into Raelynn's room.  He gives her a light kiss on the cheek and whispers good night.  By the time we got both kids in bed we felt like we had battled a short war :)  I am glad they are so loving but REALLY?!

Today has been an unbelievably productive day.  I cannot even explain what a  new found freedom we have now that Coop's potty trained.  There is no more constant asking him or timer every hour or two reminding us to take him.  There is just his cute little voice saying, "I go potty Mommy!"  Music to a mother's ears!  However, event though I am not needed for that anymore, I am still needed for damage control.......I am using the restroom which of course I never can do without company.  The door opens and there is Raelynn holding her cash register with tears in her eyes.  "Mom look what Cooper did!  He said he was fixing it but I told him he was going to break it.  He was hammering it!"  Sure enough Coop had cracked the display.  I asked Raelynn to sit it on the counter and I would deal with it in a minute.  Raelynn does as I asks and leaves the bathroom.  As the door is closing I hear my sweet adorable little boy yell at his sister in a deep raspy voice, "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TELL HER!"  In an equally vicious but much quieter voice Raelynn responds, "Because you are going to learn to respect my toys!"  It took me a few seconds to compose myself before I could leave the restroom to deal with the situation.  I wonder what the kids would think if they knew how often I laughed at them!!!

I guess back to working on projects, I have made myself a list and of course cannot rest until it is done!

1. Update Blog........check!