Monday, February 7, 2011

IT'S BEEN HOW LONG?................

Well here we are, it has been over a week since I posted and it feels like it has only been a day or two.  Last week was basically dominated by SNOW!  On Tuesday we actually had a snow day from work.  It didn't really get bad until afternoon but Raelynn was still not feeling well and fighting a fever so I had elected to stay home with her anyway.  The blizzard was something else.  It had been a long time since I had seen a complete white out and the kids were in awe.  It was kind of nice to just be able to stay in our warm house.  Other than that life has been its usual crazy self.  Raelynn and Coop have not shorted us on laughs lately.  This weekend Raelynn put together an outfit that was actually pretty darn cute but a style much of her own.  It was a little random but she had layers and like I said in a crazy way it all worked and looked cute.  As she walked out of her room I said, "Well that's quite the outfit but it's cute!"  She responds, "Mom I'm one of the cool kids I have to have a style, that's how we roll!"  I literally cracked up, "that's how you roll?"  She giggled and shook her head.  After I finished laughing we had to have a little chat about what really makes her one of the cool kids like being kind and accepting of others and a person all of her own.  She responds to my short lecture with, "well 'ya but once you do all that you need some style too, we haven't been shopping in a long time." I don't think I was really getting anywhere with my lecture but I could hardly keep it together anyway because I kept thinking about the fact that my daughter just said, "that's how we roll".  Funny stuff! I think maybe she is watching a little too much Hannah Montana!  Then there is Coop.  He informed me tonight after he went potty that he really likes his peepee.  That's great to know Coop!  Tonight as I lay down to tell him goodnight he says, " I forgot to tell Daddy a story." "Do you want to tell me a story instead?" I ask.  He was happy to do so.  "One time Tom was on his boat and he fell in the lake and the crocodiles ate him."  "Oh no!" I reply. "Did you save him?"  "No I am just a wittle boy he forgot his life jacket and you not be on the boat without a life jacket so the crocodiles ate him!"  I guess if nothing else Tom's life jacket rule at the lake made an impact on Cooper :)! 

Saturday afternoon we watched a little Baker Ball which is really one of our favorite things to do.  It is fun for us all and the kids absolutely love it.  Raelynn literally chased down the Wildcat for a photo shoot.

Then Sunday Raelynn and I made it to early church then headed home to clean house.  Late afternoon we went to some friend's house for the Super Bowl, again we had a great time.  As always the weekend went by way too fast and next thing we know Monday is here again!  Raelynn is still struggling with goodbyes and I cannot wait until she gets past it.  I am trying to be much firmer just to see if it works.  This morning I told her goodbye outside her room and then insisted she go into her class.  I turned around and headed down the hall.  I heard her calling my name but I kept walking.  She literally chased me down the entire hallway screaming for me.  Finally I stopped and took her back to her room.  Everyone says she is perfectly fine minutes after I leave and when I pick her up she is nothing but laughs and in no big hurry to leave.  This is why I know she is fine but I have no idea why the tears when I leave.  Hopefully this too shall pass.  I keep reminding myself that a year ago she and I would go round and round because she refused to wear jeans and now she wears them all the time, just a few months ago she refused to layer shirts such as a long sleeve under a short sleeve and now it is almost a daily outfit requirement.  So whatever the reason for this go around....this too shall pass, right? 

Tonight Raelynn had Daisy's to make up for her meeting missed last week due to snow.  Tonight they learned about being strong and feeding their bodies with good foods and about being brave.  I love this whole Girl Scouts thing....who would have known?!  Coop and I made his Valentines for his friends and he can now successfully write the "oo" in his name and he is quite proud of himself although he still doesn't understand why we call them O's instead of circles!

Tomorrow should be another fun filled day.  I have a meeting in KC from 1-4pm and then have to have Coop to the eye doctor by 4:45pm so that we can confirm his prescription for his lenses since last week he successfully bent his frames and cracked his lenses.  Then I have a committee meeting at 6:30pm, PTO at 7pm and St. Patrick's Committee meeting at 7pm too.  I am still trying to figure out how you are two places at one time????  Another one of the world's mysteries!