Monday, September 21, 2009


So little brother wants and does everything that big sister has and does. It is amazing how much he mimics her and it is just getting more so every day. Although I thought Raelynn might get annoyed by this she is eating it up. They played together all weekend! Saturday I had the March of Dimes garage sale to help with and made my very first garage sale purchase, a scooter for Cooper. Every since Raelynn got a scooter for her birthday Cooper has tried to ride it but he just doesn't have the balance. Well I found one that has 2 wheels on the back so it stays up and Cooper loves it. Raelynn and Coop spent all afternoon Saturday in the garage playing and riding scooters. For some crazy reason the garage has become there new favorite place to be. I really have no idea why but literally they will play out there for hours!!! I have this great video of Coop on his scouter but after an hour of trying to open it last night, I give up. Anyway, he loves the scooter!

Today was the first day of Autumn. Raelynn and I were both a little sad. When I went running this morning it did feel like Autumn too. There was a light breeze and a chill in the air and it was sooooo dark. I find this time of year a little depressing and creepy. I just have to start counting the days until spring again. I also am dreading the mornings and dealing with Raelynn and getting dressed.
She does not like jeans and therefore has complete meltdowns in the mornings when it is chilly and I don't let her wear shorts. I talked with some of the other moms at preschool and come to find out they went through the same thing with their daughters who are now older. It made me feel better and they gave me some good advice. I am also implementing an allowance, sort of. We have had to make some budget cuts lately and we have in general discussed them with Raelynn from time to time but I want her to start understanding money and its value. I have never been one to believe in giving an allowance for household jobs because that is just participation in the family and I don't think that should be rewarded with money. So after a few short discussions with Valerie, my new co-worker who I love, I decided to weekly have a little chart that shows what we expect of her in the mornings and evenings. The list includes some household choirs but also behavioural things. If in general she receives a smiley face for each day, she will receive $4 at the end of the week. (I chose $4 b/c she is 4) Then I have provided her 3 places to put the money; spending, charity and savings. I will let her decide where to put the money and hope that overtime she will learn to give to all 3. Anyway, we will see how it goes. I have to get the charts and the places for the money all ready but will be ready to give it a try starting Monday. Boy I hope it works :) One of the things I am including on the chart is getting along with and helping Cooper. This will be an easy one for Raelynn. She is awesome with him. I hope that this will just confirm with her the importance of her brother and family in general.

So as I am trying to instill values and morals in Raelynn, I am simply trying to keep up with Cooper. This evening, while I was talking with Raelynn we notice Coop is gone. We go searching and we found our closet.....emptying Terry's change jar! I went to grab the camera and when I returned I snapped a quick pictures. As soon as I did he looked up and said with a big dorky smile, "CHEEZ!". I don't think he ever thinks he does anything wrong. He is definitely our silly one!


Huber Family said...

Ha! Love the attitude pose Raelynn is striking = )