Sunday, September 27, 2009


Tonight Terry had his family's investment club meeting like they do the last Sunday of every month. We usually all go but occasionally Coop and I will stay home. Tonight I hadn't showered and still had a few things to finish up so I decided I would stay home. Terry and Raelynn were getting ready to go when little Coop walked out with his shoes. He was not going to be left home so Terry loaded both of them up and off they went a little before 6pm. You would think I would be ecstatic to have a few hours of peace and quiet to myself but no....I just want them home. It is now 8pm and I cannot seem to do all those things I need to do. Instead I look at the clock every 5 minutes, I have beds turned down and medicines ready. I really think I am a little crazy! Anyway, I am sure they will be home again, the chaos will resume, and I will be perfectly happy again! The weekend was a mixture of fun and not so fun times. Friday night the kids and I did some cleaning and just got ready for 2 full days together. Saturday morning we woke up and got ready for the KU Football game. We try to take the kids to one game a year and this was the one. We were headed up a little early for the tailgating fun and it was band day so we were pretty excited. This is how our morning started...just minutes before we left the house.

This is just minutes later after leaving the house......

So yes, just after leaving our house, Terry was talking to me and hit the curb. Now I will say that we, meaning all us, hit this curb often but never have we hit the curb, bounced and hit a drain colvert. At first, we thought he "only" ruined his wheel and tire. So after 30 to 45 minutes of changing a tire we all load back up into the truck and start to go again, but no.....something is really wrong. Terry gets out and takes a peak under the truck. Surprise, the A Bar (??) is snapped in two. So we call and have the truck towed. Finally we get to the game by the second quarter which really wasn't too bad considering all. Anyway, the game was fun and the kids enjoyed it at least for awhile. It is very hard to keep a 4 and 2 year old to sit still for more than a few minutes. My kids know no strangers either. Within minutes of being there Coop, as always, lead the way to meeting everyone around us. Of course Raelynn cannot let her brother have all the attention so she follows but instead of being a cute 2 year old who says "Hi" and smiles, Raelynn chatters non stop interigating anyone who would give her a second of their time. So needless to say I didn't really see all that much of the game but still had a great time.

Today we decorated for fall, Raelynn and Cooper played outside with Dad and we just wish we could have one more day of "spending the whole day together". The week ahead seems pretty normal and not too many extras which always is nice but we'll see how it ends up. It always seems like our less busy weeks turn out to be some of the busiest.

Well gotta go...........THEY ARE FINALLY HOME!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!