Tuesday, September 1, 2009


God presents us challenges daily and I have always thought one should make the most of each challenge he offers. I live by the sayings "Obstacles are opportunities in disguise". Without saying any more than this, both have been put to the test over the past week. However, I do believe we have once again grown as a family, became better parents, learned things we did not know before and love one another more than ever. With every breath I take, no matter how difficult it may be, I will continue to believe in a good world and do all I can to make it better. I will pray for those who do not.

Raelynn started soccer today and loved it. She has wanted to play soccer as long as I can remember and now her preschool has a little class they offer. She was so excited coming out of practice! I guess I better start reading up on soccer, I may have to actual understand the rules if Raelynn sticks with it. We did not have soccer when I was a kid and I know very little about it. I would hate for Raelynn to know more about it than I do.

Cooper had another eye appointment today and his check up was great! His eyes had improved over our last visit and therefore we once again made it out without having to patch his right eye to make his weak left eye work. I was very happy as I had been sure after our last visit that is where we were headed!


Huber Family said...

Prayer and positive thought can move mountains. Keep it up, you're outlook is an inspiration! Also, great news about Coop's eyes!

MOM said...

We Love you all very much. Can't wait to see you the 12th. Aunt Karli will be very happy with the soccer as she too loved the gam.