Thursday, January 2, 2014


Well what a difference a few hours can make.  Late last night Sherri called and said medically Mom was ok but she was very agitated and felt horrible.  You could tell Sherri was a little stressed and that Mom was not doing as well as we had thought.  I told her we would be up for the weekend and stay with Mom and help out.  Then by this morning Dad was calling and said things were not going well.  Mom had gotten very sick over night and her white blood count was up and she had blood in her urine.  The girls and I started getting things arranged so we could head to Scott City or wherever as there was talk about transporting her out.  They pumped her stomach and by this afternoon she had made improvements.  We all arrived about 6pm and she was doing much better.  I am currently at the hospital with her and will be for the night.  I have slept many nights at hospitals and by this time I don't mind at all.  It gives me comfort to know I am here with her if she needs anything.  She has an NG Tube that is keeping everything off of her stomach and she is currently on oxygen due to a low SAT level. She has a foley in and has a UTI.  She is in some pain but they are trying to find her something that is a little more comfortable for her than the Morphine.  She did get up and take a walk this evening which I think she  really needed.  She can have NOTHING by mouth which means no food and no liquids.  Therefore her mouth is extremely dry.  I cannot imagine how hungry she must be as she has not ate in days, at least since last Friday.  They of course have IV fluids giving her the nutrients she needs but she is dying for a Coca-Cola.  She will be here for awhile but considering how things looked this morning I would say we are just lucky to have been able to stay here without being transported. Her nursing staff has been awesome since I have been here.  It is funny to be in a small town though.  Mom's CNA went to school with Karli and Dad has worked with her nurse many times.    It just makes me chuckle.  There are already rumors flying around town which again makes me chuckle.  Small towns are unique but one thing is for sure, in times like these it is nice to have people you know around you.

Thank you to everyone for their thoughts ad prayers.  Thank you Tom for being understanding and letting me leave to be with my Mom when I needed to be.  Thank you to my co-workers for picking up the slack.  Thank you to Terry who just helps me do what I need to do.  Thank you to my kids who are so laid back and just roll with whatever life throws our way.  Thank you to my family for all sticking together.  Thank you to my friends that offer any way they can help.  You all rock and once again, I love and appreciate you all!!!