Thursday, August 20, 2009


So things are changing once again at the Keefer household which really is nothing new. Aunt Steph leaves tomorrow, Coop's nutritionist is changing his eating, Raelynn starts school, and Terry is gone! Although this all may seem small, it has big implications.

Terry left early this morning for a little golf outing. I was happy he could get away and of course he loves golf but we miss him. Raelynn and Coop both talked to him on the way to Gloria's this morning and then again tonight. Coop even said "hi" ad "bye" to him which was really cute. He will be back late tomorrow so it won't be too bad. I did have to go to Parent's Night at Raelynn's preschool without him though and that seemed weird. Raelynn has a new teacher this year but I think we are going to love her. She is this German woman who has a thick German accent and it was so much fun to listen to her. She is very qualified and just oozes with love of children. I came home and told Raelynn all about her and she was ready to go to school tomorrow. However, they do not start until Monday. That is when things get a little crazy. Raelynn will go to preschool 5 days a week. Therefore, Terry will take her in the morning, I will take Coop to Gloria's. Then on M W F I will pick Raelynn up from preschool at 1:30pm and take her to Gloria's and then on T TH I pick her up at 11:30 and take her to Gloria's. This means I now do not ever have a lunch hour to run errands. I am not exactly sure how that will work but there will probably be more 10pm runs to the grocery store and walmart. I am not looking forward to that. I just wish days were longer or I could figure out how to function without any sleep at all. Anyway, we will manage as does the rest of the working Mom's in the world :)

Since surgery has been postponed until April or May, we are going to start trying to push Coop to eat more solid foods. We will take baby steps because it is also very important that he does not loose weight. This can be very tricky. We are starting by reducing the amount of calories he intakes during the night. We get up with him 3 to 4 times during the night for him to drink milk so we are not fortifying the milk as much over the night in hopes that he will be pretty hungry when he wakes around 7am or so. This morning went pretty well. He ate a small piece of graham cracker and a small bowl of trix cereal. We will continue to work on this until we can actually say he is eating breakfast. I think it will be so weird to actually have him eating. I can not imagine a normal eating schedule. It would be soooooo great but we will have to take it very slow. Stacy, the nutritionist, will be back in a couple weeks and we will do some food play. They will give Cooper other foods that resemble foods he likes in color and shape. Since he loves Cheetos we are starting with things that are shaped like a Cheeto or that are orange. She gives him these foods and literally just lets him play with them with no pressure to actually eat them. I know, a crazy concept. I was always told not to play with my food! Anyway, Raelynn will get to participate too since Coop seems to be very interested in doing what his big sis does. I am sure I am going to have to leave the house so I don't freak out over the mess, but other than that it should be fun.

Tomorrow is Steph's last day. It is hard to believe the summer is over already. We will miss her!

Well off to mix Coop's milk for the night, fold clothes, get my aerobics class ready for in the morning and then hopefully there will be time to get a few hours of sleep in before the alarm sounds at 4:15am. See what I mean, we need more hours in the day!!!