Friday, August 7, 2009


Last night we headed out to the Douglas County Fair. It was family night so there were sooooo many people there and the lines were way too long. The kids had a good time but Coop was too little for any of the rides and would just cry everytime Raelynn got on one because he couldn't go. Steph took him on the Farris Wheel and the guy stopped her and said he was too small. Steph gave them the sob story that he couldn't ride anything and he really wanted too and she blinked her eyes a few times and showd some cleavage....(haha only kidding).....and they let her take him on. He cried like crazy! Steph was freaking out because she begged to get him on and now he was terrified. He finally calmed down but the whole thing gave us a good laugh. The most fun I had was getting the shaved ice when we were done with the rides and dancing with the kids while the band played. We finally got kids home, bathed and in bed by 10:30pm.

Tonight we bought Raelynn's school supplies. I cannot believe it is already time for school again. Raelynn is excited to see all her friends. She is just getting so big. Tonight she wanted to reorganize some of her stuff in her room. It was so cute to watch because she is so organized and wants things just a certain way. Towards the end she was getting a little tired and asked if I would help her finish which I did. When I tucked her in for bed she says, "Mom thanks for helping me organize my room. I appreciate your help." Yes this is what my 4 year old said! She just makes me smile! Coop was just as big tonight as he pointed to objects all through the house telling me what they were; "light.....chicken......door.....truck.....ball" it was awesome. He also got Raelynn's soccer ball out and was showing us how he could kick the soccer ball. I really was surprised he could kick it so well and everytime he did he giggled at himself. He is great entertainment.

We are off to the pool tomorrow and hopefully get some quality summer time in!