Sunday, August 2, 2009


I cannot believe how fast the weekends go! As I put Raelynn to bed she and I counted the days until we had another "spend the whole day together" day. She said she felt bad for the Mondays because no one likes them. I chuckled and said then we should find something good about them. She says, "when they are over we just have Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday before it's SATURDAY again!" I like the way she thinks. We had a pretty good weekend. We spent Saturday in Manhattan helping Steph paint her house and do a few other things that she needs done. She will be back to Manhattan before we know it. I cannot believe how fast the summer has gone. Raelynn will be back in school before we know it too. She starts August 24th. I told Raelynn she would be starting school soon and she said Oh Great that means winter is here! She and I definitely share the same dislike for winter!

Last week was a little bit of a trying week. Coop ran a fever for about 3 days which seems to be coming a regular event every 6 weeks or so. He runs a really high fever with no other real signs and we just keep Ibuprofen in him and he acts fine. The frequency is a little troubling but we will just wait and see what happens. I did notice some of his last teeth came through though so maybe that was the reason this time. Raelynn is going through a little tantrum stage and I am definitely not a big fan. I am not sure what is causing her to act out but we are staying right on top of it. I assure her that this behaviour is no way acceptable and we talked about it quite a bit one night. She said she just gets mad and when she is tired and gets mad she just has a fit. I gave her ways to tell me she is angry and why and then we can work through them. Today at one point she started her little fit and then stopped mid scream and told me she was mad and why and then said "so how are you going to fix it!" It was so funny but I did not dare laugh. We worked through it and she agreed it was a much better way of handling things. We'll see what happens from here. I honestly am amazed at how daily I have to think of new and better ways to teach her to be a nice and respectful little girl. I love the challenge! It also is very rewarding when it pays off. I love seeing her learn how to handle herself. Raelynn is also having issues with going to the bathroom. She doesn't want to at daycare or really anywhere other than home. I haven't really decided where this is all coming from other that I despise public restrooms myself and cringe every time we have to use one especially if it is not clean. I am hoping that she will at least adjust to using the bathroom at daycare, holding it all day can not be good!

So we are off to another week. Looking at my calendar it seems to be a pretty boring week which I welcome. However, in this family, the boringest of weeks can turn into total chaos in seconds. So as I do everyday, I will look forward to the laughter, learning, growing and surprises we are sure to have!


The Dukes said...

Will they give her a Lysol wipe to use on the seat at daycare before every time she goes? She obviously has the concept of cleaning down- it might make her feel more could send her with a few canisters of wipes.