Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Well Cooper is once again keeping us on our toes and of course that combined with the fact that it was Tuesday can only mean one thing, trouble. You see Tuesdays are Terry's golf days. He plays on a league and even when the league is not going on Terry tries to play on Tuesday afternoons. In the past couple years there have been multiple incidents on Tuesdays while Terry is trying to play golf. Poho (our dog) got his jaw caught on his kennel door and couldn't get it free, I went into labor with Cooper, Terry's Mom passed away, there was another incident when Coop had to be taken to CMH,and then there was yesterday. We had stopped to visit friends after work. We were all in the backyard playing. Cooper had climbed up a ladder to the slide. My friend thought he was safely at the top and turned away when Cooper fell. She grabbed him up quickly. I ran over to him and was attempting to take him from her when his back arched, his arms locked out and his eyes rolled back. He did not appear to be breathing. Just as fast as it happened it went away lasting about 3 to 5 seconds. As soon as it started I grabbed him and ran to their table asking my friend to call 911. By the time I got to the table he seemed better. I talked to him, asked him to give me five, had him walk...all seemed to be fine. It was terrifying to see but he recovered so quickly we had no idea what happened. I called CMH to see what they thought and they advised us to bring him over to the CMH ER. So there we were again interrupting Terry's Tuesday golf outing. We headed over right away and Terry was meeting us over there. We ran by the house to grab milk and diapers before leaving. While I was getting the milk and diapers for Cooper, Raelynn packed she and I drinks, string cheese and bananas. She put it all in her back pack and I did not even know what she had done until we were on the road to CMH and she asked me if I was thirsty or would like a banana. When she told me she had packed drinks and snacks for us I remembered how strong she was. In such a scary hectic situation she remained not only calm but also responsible and yes, she is still only 4. So I gave her yet another job as we drove to the hospital, "watch your brother, let me know if he looks or acts strange and don't let him go to sleep". We got to CMH and walked into the ER. YIKES! It was packed and scary. I considered turning right around and leaving because the thought of sitting in there with so many visibly sick people when our job is to keep Coop healthy was more than I could take. Fortunately I decided to take another route and just told the check in nurse that Coop had serious cardiac issues and scheduled for surgery in a month. They moved us quickly to a private room. This is why I love CMH! Cooper was examined by multiple doctors and they decided that it was a Breath Holding Spell (BHS). I googled it tonight and the information I read made it seem very likely. If interested you can cut and past this link and it describes the issue and causes.

Anyway it was very scary and we had to watch him closely but he is fine and had a rambunctious day as usual. Once again just a little reminder of how precious his little life is and how much we have to cherish every second. So after a long evening and little sleep the alarms all went off way too early this morning. Surprisingly the kids did great. Raelynn even requested a special hair do and we were out the door early.

Tonight was suppose to be my golf night but with all the craziness last night and stuff going on every night from now until Sunday, I decided getting home and having a normal evening together was a little more important. Cooper had food play with Molly tonight too. The food play has helped Coop and he has really made big gains in his comfort with different textures of food even if he is not yet really eating. The yogurt continues to be a constant though and we now are putting various things in it to get him to chew and eat. He really likes Molly as she has been working with him since he was about 6 or 7 months old. Raelynn also has greatly enjoyed our time with Molly and loves food play!

Do I dare say, I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!