Sunday, October 31, 2010


What a great last few days we have had!  Friday was Raelynn's school Halloween Party and her Kindergarten Class invited the siblings.  Raelynn was so excited to bring Coop to her class, it was adorable.  Coop was a little bashful in the beginning but by the end had warmed up to everyone and made himself right at home.  They had a great time.  I ended up reading stories to the class.  After school and we were headed to Mary Beth's, Raelynn says to me "Hey Mom, I think you should come and read to our class again.  You were awesome!"  Who knew a 5 year old could make me feel so good, it was the best praise I had gotten in a long time.

Friday night we went to the LHS and FSHS football game.  It started off great.  We made it through the first quarter and then it happened......Coop pooped!  Yes we are still working on potty training and needless to say it is not always perfect.  So I grabbed Coop and headed to the truck which was parked plenty far away.  Now let me explain a few things before I go on; first, we always have a pull up and wipes in the vehicles just for times like these.  Second, I can't drive the truck.  Third, I have no sense of direction.  So to go on with my adventure.....we finally get to the truck and well, no pull up.  I call Terry and let him know I am headed all the way home with Coop because he did not have any pull ups in the truck.  Terry did not even question the fact I was going to be driving his truck all the way home which included backing out of a parking stall and the parking again when we returned, Mistake #1!  Leaving actually went ok.  I lectured Coop all the way home about how he needs to tell us when he needs to go poo.  We get home, change pants and head back to the game.  I knew finding parking would be difficult so I took the first spot I found.  Mistake #2!  You see, I cannot park the HUGE truck.  I try pulling into the spot and by the time I am in I am millimeters away from the truck beside me.  I am starting to panic but try to stay calm.  15 minutes later and with little movements forward and back I am finally parked decently.  Now it was time to head back to the football field.  I can see it but have no idea how to get to it.  I see these kids come up between a couple buildings so I grab Coop and head over there.  Now you would think that the fact we had to duck under this torn netting and  jump down off a little embankment might be a clue that this was not the normal path to the football field but no I continue on my way.  Minutes later I realize I am on the soccer field which is completely surrounded by fencing and all gates are locked shut.  I was completely stressed out by this point after my whole parking ordeal so I call Terry.  I talk to him for a few seconds and realize I have to just figure this out myself because this stuff happens to me all the time.  So Coop and I head back from where we came and eventually find our way back to the field.  I manage my way back to our seats and guess what?  Terry isn't there.  I text him we were at our seats and I was not going anywhere else.  He and Raelynn came back to our seats and we finished watching the game.  Besides my adventure with Coop the evening really was fun.

Saturday was a great day.  We ran errands and got the house cleaned.  Raelynn had a play date with her old friend Paige from preschool and then we headed to KC to Cabela's.  We went there for a specific item and I expected to go, get it and be back home.  I had never been to Cabela's and neither had the kids.  Who knew it would turn out to be a great family outing.  We looked at fish and bears and more deer than I had ever seen.  We laughed and joked about what camping equipment it would take to get me out camping and had to drag the kids away from their fascination with the guns.  As we left, Raelynn says, "that was so interesting!"  It was awesome to stumble into an entire evening of fun with the family.  The funniest part was that we had explained to the kids that all the animals on display had once been alive but then caught by the hunters and stuffed for the displays.  Then we were in the Museum of the Mule Deer and they had some manikins of hunters.  Raelynn asks Terry, "who caught those people?"  She actually thought the people were once real and had been caught and stuffed too.  We quickly explained they were just manikins but it sure was a good laugh.

Today of course was the big day.  We had church this morning and then just finishing up a few weekend chores this afternoon.  Raelynn made some delicious pumpkin bread while Coop took a nap and then it was up and ready for trick or treating.  We had a good time but fortunately the kids tire of it after a few hours and we headed home.

Other than all this fun, Coop and I had some great snuggle time and he kept us all laughing.  Raelynn and I shared several funnies together too and did our fair share of snuggling.  I love these days and it just makes me anxious for next weekend!  Life is great when you share it with amazing people, big or small!