Monday, March 7, 2011


This past weekend seemed to be a long one.  Saturday morning I headed to the Shamrock Shuffle 5K about 6:45am.  It was so very cold!!!  I cannot believe I actually ran in weather below 30 degrees.  The run went pretty good for having been sick the week before and I placed 2nd in my age group. After that I headed home so Terry could go to the St. Patrick's Day Chili Contest, he was a judge.  I think he had more than enough chili because I didn't even have to cook dinner for him Saturday night!  Then Raelynn had her first swim meet Saturday afternoon.  It really was pretty cute to watch her and she loved it.  She placed first in the backstroke which is funny because that was my strong stroke when I competed.  She was so excited to win a medal. 

After the swim meet we went to Orange Leaf as a special treat.  By the time we got home Coop must have been completely exhausted because he did nothing but cry.  I have never seen him like that. It started out with a lot of wining and soon changed to cryings.  Terry gave him a bath, which he cried through, and then put him right to bed.  He fell asleep so quickly and so hard.  I hate to see him like this because he is NEVER like this.  Sunday morning we started our day bright and early again and headed to early church, then to Target for a birthday gift and then on to the Cooper's Cause Foundation Bowl-a-thon.  The kids had a great time bowling but unfortunately it wasn't our best turn out.  It was a little disappointing but hopefully we can make some changes and continue to make it a successful event.
Last Friday we took Coop to CMH to meet with a Urologist.  Because of Coop's heart issues he was not able to be circusized at birth.  In January his cardiologist finally relaeased him to have the procedure.  It was one of the longest waits we have had at CMH and were with the doctor only 15 minutes.  The procedure sounds simple enough and we have it scheduled for April 6th.  I just hope Coop doesn't hate us for this one :)  I figure if he does I will blame it all on Terry!  We do have to do pre op because of his heart complications so basically we will go to pre op on Tuesday afternoon, surgery Wednesday and then recover on Thursday and Friday.  By the following Monday he should be back on track.  That is the plan anyway :)

Today was a typical Monday; a little hard to get going but then it was ok.  Raelynn had a birthday party today at 4pm at the Castle Tea Room.  It was for her best friend from preschool and she had a wonderful time!  After we left there we headed home.  Terry took Coop to swimming lessons so Raelynn and I had a little time at home before the boys got there.  We had some good laughs and got a few things done.  We were in the process of making dinner when they got home so Coop jumped right in and helped with dinner too.  They both are getting to be quite the helpers and although it makes preparing dinner a little crazy, we not only make some delicous food but some unforgettable memories.


Stefenie said...

Saying prayers for Coop's upcoming surgery!