Monday, March 21, 2011


We made it back from Scott City in time to watch the Hawks which was our goal.  Chandler's birthday was good and I think she had a good time.  As you can see below Coop was having a good time and Dad......well Dad maybe was a little bored.

Chandler and her American Girl Doll from her Aunts

Wake up Dad, you are suppose to be acting like you care!

Cooper and Grandma had way too much fun with the wrapping!
Because Raelynn is on spring break this week she stayed in Scott City for a couple extra days.  I know this is good for her and me but I miss her soooooooo nuch!  She seems to be having a great time and it is giving us a little more one on one with Coop but I still can't wait for her to be back.  Coop is missing her too and they talked tonight on the phone which was pretty cute.  Coop was not happy when we left her in Scott either.  He wanted to stay too but there was no way I could do without them both. 
Raelynn and Steph text me this picture tonight while they were having dinner!
Although I am missing Raelynn terribly, Coop is keeping us well entertained.  He is helping me out a lot since Sissy is gone.  Tonight I gave him a whole package of toilet paper and asked him to go put it away.  After not hearing from him for a few minutes I decided to see how things were going.  He did eventually get the toilet paper put away!

This weekend during our travels Coop decided standing up to go potty was definitely the way to go in the public restrooms which I have to say I would agree.  At one stop, after pottying, I ask him if he is done.  He says he is, I ask if he wiped his peepee, he says

"No big boys don't wipe they shake it off."

 "What?! Who told you that?"

 "Mary Beth says you just shake it off."

 "Ok for now but we are going to check this out with your Dad and I will make a decision then."

Well come to find, after checking with Terry, he is right so I let Coop know he was allowed to "shake it off" but he still had to use the toilet paper to wipe the toilet if he gets any potty on it.  He agreed and so that is now our bathroom routine.  I am telling you.....everyone needs to have a brother growing up because coming from a family of girls there are definitely some things I missed!!!


Michelle Flagg said...

Thanks for my daily dose of laughter. Those two kids of yours are amazing and must provide endless hours of laughter and entertainment. Thanks for sharing!

Huber Family said...

Riley was reading this blog with me. When he saw the pictures of Coop stacking the TP he said, "Look at that child! He's a great constructer!" After I told him that the "child" was Cooper he said, "Oh, I know him! Cooper's Cause is a funny kid!" Just had to share, it made me smile = )