Monday, August 22, 2011


Today was Coop's first day of preschool.  I cannot even explain to you how I feel about him at this point.  I guess, unless you have been on the journey with us, it is hard to explain.  For 2 1/2 years we were concerned if we gave his meds at Q8 or Q12 and that each of his 13 meds were given with or without food.  We were concerned with how he was going to learn to eat and whether or not a G-tube would have to be inserted.  We fought with him pulling out the NG Tube. We operated on little sleep with less than 3hours between feedings and meds and any given time within a 24 hour day.  We were concerned with his color and his O2 level.  We were concerned with the viruses he was exposed to with his weak immune system.  Then there was the scare with seizures and when his next surgery would be and if it would be as horrible as his second surgery and if we would loose him.   During these 2 1/2 years it really didn't seem that bad and it was just what we had to do for Coop. But over the last year that has all changed.  Cooper is eating and off meds.  He is energetic and a pale pink most of the time.  He is ornery and smart and so very "normal".  I guess it just seems that we have not had 3 1/2 years to watch him grow and enjoy all the little things but instead we have had 1 year and it has been an amazing year.  So in one short year Cooper has completely changed and it just seems that he has done 3 1/2 years of growing in 1 short whirlwind of a year.  I guess that is what made today a little more emotional for me.

Today was a short introductory day at preschool.  The parents stayed and they were there just an hour.  I met Terry and Coop there to see him in on his first day and then I headed to work, but before I did I just stood at the door and watched.  I watched Coop sit there with Terry and do what all the other kids did and do it well.  Tears swelled in my eyes partly out of pride but mostly out of pure love and thankfulness.  I remember early on before even Coop's 2nd surgery I used to pray to God that that if he was going to take Coop that he would do it quickly before I got too attached.  Now I pray that if he is going to take Coop, just to give me one more day, one more second, one more breath!  I love him so much and it just grows stronger day by day.  I am so excited to watch him develop even more throughout this year.

 He was absolutely adorable this morning and loved preschool.  I asked him on the way home if he was excited to go back to preschool on Wednesday, he said with a big smile, "Yep!"  Then tonight as I lay with him at bedtime he held up his hand and said, "I have 5 fingers" and preceded to count them.  He then held up the other hand and said "I have 5 more."  I asked him how many fingers he had all together?  He held up his fingers and counted them to 10, he turns to me and says, "I have 10 fingers! I wonder if my teacher knows that?! I will tell her on Wednesday!"  It was so cute!  Who knows what he will be telling them by the end of the year!

Proud Sister!

1st Day of Preschool!

Big Boy!

Mommy and Cooper

Daddy and Cooper


Stefenie said...

Wonderful to see Coop going to preschool. I know how I felt when we went to Logan's pre-preschool day. He starts preschool in a few weeks and I already get emotional just thinking about him going. It's definitely hard letting go when we have had so much worry the past few years. {{{HUG}}} From one heart mommy to another!