Monday, October 6, 2008


Wow! There is so much going on and I don't think I have ever been this busy in my whole life! The last few weeks have been insane! On top of the things happening in our lives, work has been nuts!!! Tom is on vacation and Jill had to return to Wisconsin because her Aunt passed away. Therefore, I have been at work since Wednesday by myself. I have had to remind myself to take a deep breath several times. I am glad we are busy but there is just so much that can be accomplished in a day. I think Jill returns tomorrow though. Friday, Terry had to take Cooper to see Dr. Kelley by himself because I could not go. I actually typed out a list of what he was to go over with Dr. Kelley. I am sure this gave Dr. Kelley a good laugh for the day. Terry walked in and just handed him the list. Dr. Kelley appeasing wrote on my piece of paper comments and answers to each item. You have to know he was laughing inside. The good news is Cooper gained 2 oz. He is back up to 15lbs 15oz and is 27 inches long. Dr. Kelley was please but not overly excited. He considers Cooper's eating still borderline. However this weekend his eating/drinking really took off. He drank 30oz each day and today I think we ended with 27 or 28oz. In the mornings he drinks so much though he has been throwing it up. This has happened the last two mornings so we will start to give him a little less when he first wakes up. He is also going from lying to sitting by himself now. This morning at 4am I was awaken by his chatter and when I went in to check on him, there he sat in his crib. It was so cute. Last night he also walked along the couch as he held on to it. I can't wait until he starts walking. He is just so cute.

This past weekend the kids and I went back to Scott City with Steph. I am pretty sure Steph will never travel with us again. Cooper cried the entire way there and back. He despises his car seat! Other than the driving, we had a good time. I got to see Sherri's new house and we saw Chandler and Cassidy's Volleyball games. Raelynn and Chandler played and played and played. She really misses the girls. Terry spent the weekend tiling our bathroom floor, Yeah! Although, it is a project he is still working on, Boo! No worries though as long as it is done by this weekend! Ha Ha Ha

I received a call today from CMH that Cooper's MRI scheduled for the 17th had to be rescheduled. I could not do it any sooner so we scheduled it for the 28th. It does not bother me at all to put it off. I am not looking forward to it. I guess the anesthesiologists were not available that day. Anyway, this way I have a couple more weeks think and worry about it.