Monday, October 13, 2008


This weekend was crazy!!! My family got to our house sometime around 2:30 am on Saturday. I didn't even hear them come in and therefore did not even greet them until I got up around 6am. I know I am a great hostess! Anyway, I got up and did my usual morning, sweep the floors, do a load of laundry, clean up a little, eat breakfast etc. Finally around 8am people began to wake. Cooper and I headed out around 10am for his first haircut. His hair had little "flicker dillies" all over. I told Demetria to cut it short so I could spike it up and she did just that. He looks soooooo cute. He did pretty well too. The funniest thing though is when Demetria was cutting around his ear, Raelynn would hold his ear down. I guess she thought since they were sticking out she might cut them too.

From there we ran errands to get ready for Sherri's Surprise Birthday Party. Sherri knew nothing at all about it. Cassidy had called me weeks ago and asked that if they came down to the pumpkin patch, which is a family tradition, if we could have a surprise birthday party for Sherri. Of course I agreed. Late last week we found our she was coming so we had some work to do. We invited friends from Bonner and family. The plan was to go to the pumpkin patch around 3pm. Then about 5pm I would fake one of my migraines (I get really severe migraines and get very sick so it would be a given that I would have to leave the pumpkin patch). Steph and Cody offered to take me home because they had played that they had to return to Manhattan that evening anyway. Therefore we got back to the house to set out food, decorate and change clothes to be ready for guests by 6pm. Then Mom, Sherri and Karli were to stop off at the Buckle to get some jeans for her birthday. They were to get to the house around 6:30pm. Everything worked perfectly. Sherri was soooo surprised and had a wonderful time. I was so happy to see her smile, laugh and enjoy herself so much. The only sad thing was that Raelynn really thought I was sick and I guess got pretty upset. I felt horrible. She got a big smile on her face when she got home and saw I was ok. She is so sweet. After the party Mom, Sherri and I headed to the Ranch for a night out. First, I have never seen my Mother have a drink and she actually had a few. I was shocked! She also got drug out to the dance floor which was hilarious. I don't know it was just a different atmosphere to see her in and it was a good time. She couldn't text Steph fast enough though to come pick us up when Sherri finally said we could go. Sherri had a great time too. I don't think she sat out a dance once she got started. The whole night was just a fun night of laughs and I was so happy it turned out to be a great birthday for Sherri.

The pumpkin patch was fun as always. There is so much to do there. I was only disappointed that I did not get to enjoy the apple cider slush and cookies that is a tradition there because I was having to fake the migraine and of course I wouldn't want to eat or drink with a migraine. My Mom gave me a consoling hug long enough for me to whisper to her not to forget the jelly I buy there every year and the little pumpkin story book Raelynn loves! If Sherri had only known what we were planning at the time!

Sunday evening we headed next door to our neighbors for their son, Cayman's 2nd Birthday. Again, what a great time. They had a big bouncy castle and so many fun things to do outside. Raelynn played so hard we barely got her out of the bath and in bed before she was asleep. Cooper enjoyed himself too. He is getting so big and is just amazingly cute. Sunday he started being even more vocal. He babbled and babbled and babbled. We started to laugh at him and he would just giggle back. We are really starting to enjoy him. For the first time I don't feel like we are worrying about when his next feed is or next medicine that is to be given or when he will throw up again or if he is looking blue and breathing harder than normal. We are just enjoying our adorable little boy and it feels so good! We see Dr. Kelley again tomorrow for another weight check. I think Dr. Kelley will be happy with his progress. Wednesday we meet with Anesthesiology for the pre-admission appointment for his MRI which has been rescheduled to the 28th. We were suppose to also see the developmental specialist but they called today to reschedule. I was less than agreeable at finding another date because this appointment I do not look forward to at all. I feel like they will set Cooper down, spend 30 minutes with him and think they know exactly where he is developmental. I think our team at Tiny K and Dr. Kelley are a much better judge of how he is doing given that they spend much more time with him. Anyway, we rescheduled that for November 24th. I was not thrilled with that date either but had turned down 5 previous dates and figured they were getting a little annoyed. November 24th was Jean's birthday. I figure the distraction may be good but it will be a sad day either way. We have promised Raelynn that we will visit Nanni's grave on the 24th for her birthday and take her some pretty new fresh flowers. I think it will be good for us all.


Anonymous said...

Cooper's hair turned out so cute. If you want me to tell you the name of the stuff I get from beauty brands that works for Donovan I can:o) Its the only stuff I find that will keep the hair spiked!!


Anonymous said...

his hair is sooooo cute and i think raelynn enjoyed being a "VERRY INPORTANT" helper!!! ha! ha! ha! lol well im glad coop is still fine well g2g by by luv u aunt kristi!!!!!!! ;)