Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Today I took Raelynn to school because Terry had to be to work early. On our way Raelynn says completely out of the blue, "When you guys go to the hospital with Cooper I am going to have to pack lots of clothes." Why I ask. She says, "because you will be gone for a long time." I tell her we may be and that we will miss her. She tells me, "I'll miss you too but I will visit everyday and we will be home together after Cooper gets better. He will need you there with him Mommy, I will be fine with Grandma." She continues the conversation asking where we sleep when we are there and so on. Then she says she just hopes Coop doesn't have a feeding tube this time. I tell her if he does we will just work hard at getting rid of it. She says to me, "well don't forget to tell them he says lots of words now and tell them when he says "nn" he is talking about me, they will need to know that Mom, and don't forget his milk and medicines." I could hardly keep the tears back. After a few seconds of silence she says "Mom....Coop will be ok because he has his family and we love him very much and Jesus was ok even after he died and he will watch over Cooper." Needless to say I took everything I had not to start crying or stop the car and just hug her. She loves her little brother so much!


Huber Family said...

The honesty of children is beautiful. Raelynn is instightful beyond her years for sure, though! Both of your children are so special. At the risk of sounding like a sappy Hallmark card, although your road has not been smooth, you are definitely blessed. Thanks for sharing = )