Wednesday, August 18, 2010

COOP IS STARTING EAT...................

Here is what our big boy had on Day of 2 of trying to eat:
BREAKFAST: Little piece of toast with PB and honey, 1 slice of banana and milk.
SNACK: 2 animal crackers, 4 fish crackers and 15 golden puffs and milk
LUNCH: 7 little bites of grilled cheese, 2 green beans, 5 small bites of mashed potatoes w/ cheese, 2 small dishes of yogurt
SNACK: 1/2 of a full graham cracker and milk
DINNER: 3 Puffy Cheetos, 3 crunchy cheetos, shredded cheese and more chips (I wasn't home and this was Dad's idea of dinner)
SNACK: Ice Cream with chocolate and sprinkles and M&M's (again, Dad was in charge)

I know this might not sound like much but this is so very much more than he has ever ate before!!!


Jenny said...

Wow! That seems like a big step from what you have described before! Great job Cooper! Keep up the good work :)

Huber Family said...

Ha! Terry's dinner and snack menu crack me up (however, my kiddos would've LOVED that lineup) ... anyhow, at least your li'l fella is eating. Awesome! Way to go Coop = ) How is his tummy handling the solids? That's gotta be a big difference for him. Best wishes and prayers for continued success!