Thursday, August 26, 2010

WHOO......COME ON WEEKEND....................

Raelynn had her first soccer practice on Tuesday. It was super cute and the coach and his wife are great. Raelynn had a great time and is looking forward to it. We are going to miss her first practice due to a family reunion this weekend but as Raelynn said, "it's ok it's just a game and family is family".

Wednesday we met with Coop's nutritionist and she was encouraged by Coop's progress and gave us some new ideas. He really is doing great and is getting even better. He eats well at Mary Beth's and after talking with Mary Beth and Stacy (Coop's nurtitionist) we have made a few adjustments at home that seem to be helping too. I am just praying that our weight check on Monday will be positive.
Tonight we had curriculum night at Raelynn's school. It was great to get a feel for what she will be learning this year and their methods of presenting the material. I continue to be amazed by how old Raelynn is already. Time really does fly and it is constant a reminder of how much each day with them should be cherished.
We leave tomorrow to spend the night with Aunt Steph and then on to Hays for a family reunion. It will be nice to see everyone but am really ready for a little downtime.......I guess there is always the next weekend, hahaha!