Tuesday, August 17, 2010


This week is just a little busy and a little taste of what the year holds. First, we saw Dr. Kelley on Monday. Coop's current weight is 25lbs and this week we can only hope he can maintain that. We are giving eating a real try. For the next 7 days we are not fortifying Coop's milk, and we are only giving him water an hour before meal times and at meal times. Our hope is that he will get hungry and start to eat. Today was our first day and well, at least he tried things. He ate a bite of pasta at lunch time and a carrot dinner. He had some other things such as crackers, Popsicles, pringle stix, yogurt, etc. He didn't eat enough that would make any of us even feel like we had a snack but he did try things. I am really really nervous about it and just hope he doesn't fall behind. We have several indicators to watch for and next Tuesday we will go in for a weight check to see how he is doing. At that point we may go back to our old way of fortifying milk if he isn't doing well or if he is doing well we will continue. If we don't succeed this time, we will wait 3 or 4 months and then will try again. Someday we all know he will eat, we just have to see when.

Raelynn's second day of school was harder than the first. As I dropped her off she went in the gym for a story before the dismiss her to her classroom. I don't know what it was but just to let her go and hope she made it to her classroom about killed me. Never mind the fact that there were multiple teachers around to see that she did indeed make it to her room. I know it will get easier but right now it is harder for me to tell her bye each morning than it is for her to tell me. However, I think we are equally happy to see one another at pick up time. She is loving school and is meeting several other really nice kids and only 1 boy that is not very nice at all. :)(that is in her words)

Tonight was my first PTO meeting and yes because I thought I needed some more things to do, I volunteered for a couple committees. I think it is important for us to be involved in her school. We stayed involved in preschool and we will do the say now. I enjoy knowing what is going on in the school and meeting those that Raelynn spends her day with so I am happy to take on a few more things. Besides, I figure at this point, what's another couple projects, heeheehee!

I have started a new bedtime routine with Raelynn. After our story and prayers and after lights are turned out, I lie with her and ask her what her favorite part of the day was and then after we discuss that I ask her for the worse part. It has really be great. I hear stories that happened during the day that I hadn't heard yet and I have even been a little surprised once in awhile by what her favorite part of the day is. Anyway, tonight she says to me, "what was your favorite part of the day?" "That's easy, when I woke you and Coop up this morning because I knew I had a whole day of surprises and a whole day to talk and laugh with you." She giggled and mentioned a couple funny things that she and Coop did today. Then she asked the worse part of the day? I couldn't really think of the worse so I responded, "Raelynn I am so lucky and love every day with you and Cooper so much that even the bad parts don't seem all that bad." She said, "well then I guess putting us to bed is the worst part because you won't see us until morning!" I love her thinking and with a big smile I agreed. Then it was time to go in and give Coop his goodnight love. Now Coop and I are going through some separation issues because we don't have near as much time together in the mornings that we used to. So I knelt down beside his bed and he says, "Lay with me Mommy." I happily obey. "Snuggle close Mommy" as he wraps his little arms around my neck. "I love you Cooper." "I wuv you too Mommy." "Mommy when I get big I live on a big ship and be a pirate." "Will you still come visit Mommy and give me hugs and kisses?" "You come on ship too, you take me potty." I could not help but crack up, there world is so small and so centered around what is happening now. I love this age and this development. His imagination is expanding right along with his base of knowledge. He is our little comedian and I think he makes us all laugh more than Raelynn ever did and let me tell you we laugh a lot. Oh the perfect ending to another perfectly wonderful and busy day!