Friday, August 13, 2010


What a wonderful day! Today was Raelynn's first day of school....well kind of...but as far as we are concerned from this point forward it was her first day of school. The morning went well and Raelynn and I were ready to walk out the door at 7:30 a.m. Raelynn was ready to go and didn't seem apprehensive at all. Coop was excited that Daddy was taking him to Mary Beth's. We got to the school early so we would have time to find our way around and take plenty of pictures. It was amazing walking her up to the school. I can't really describe how I felt. I wasn't sad because she was growing up or scared for her I was just so proud. To watch her walk so confidently up to the doors looking adorable and caring her back pack was awesome. We walked in and of course the school office was right there. The school nurse is our neighbor so we stopped to say Hi and before long those in the office realized I was the one who brought there daughter on the wrong day. They did not let on to Raelynn at all and only made me feel perfectly fine with my mistake. If these people are really this kind and fun we are going to love our years here! So we finally made it past the office and were on to Raelynn's classroom. Her teacher met us with a smile on her face and assured me I was not the first to make this mistake and that it was no problem at all. She was simply joyful and you could just see in her eyes that she loved these kids already. I got Raelynn settled, met the class guinea pig and gave her one last hug goodbye. I was surprised I didn't really feel like crying at all I was just so happy for her that she was in such a friendly and warm place. When I picked her up she came walking out so big and all smiles. Her teacher gave me a thumbs up and said they had a great morning. Raelynn loved it and thought all the kids were really nice. Her comment was, "the boys are much better at this school than my last school." I couldn't help but laugh, oh the difference a year can make. I treated her to a special lunch at her favorite place, McDonald's. She was so excited because we hardly ever go to McDonald's and she knows it is a special occasion when we do. We had to eat quickly though because today was also Coop's follow up appointment with his cardiologist in Kansas City. To back up just a little bit, I get terrible migraines. I have since I was about 12. I take daily medication to keep them under control and on the rare occasion that I get a full blown one, I have another very strong pill. Well about 10:40am I was sitting at work and my vision got all spotty and I knew what was coming. I was trying to ignore it but I knew what was happening. Not today!!! I took one of my pills which usually pretty quickly resolves my vision issues and sensitivity to light but does nothing for my nausea let along the headache. So when I picked Raelynn up I was doing all I could to stay upbeat and not let on that all I felt like doing was throwing up and sleeping. Anyway, by the time I made it to Mary Beth's to get Coop the vision stuff was over but literally I did not know how I was going to make it to KC with Coop. Raelynn wanted to go too so off we went. It was the longest drive ever. Terry was already in KC and I begged him to meet us at the doctor's office as soon as possible. We got to the appointment and Terry showed up about 10 minutes later. Once we got in the room the cardiologist was running late to say the least. We didn't actually see him until after 3p.m and our appointment was at 12:45pm. The good news is, I fell asleep for a little while in the room and fortunately when I woke, the worst of it was over and I never did throw up! That is a big step! Anyway, we finally saw the cardiologist and Cooper is doing fabulously!!! I think Dr. Kaine is proud of how Coop has came through all of this. He always talks about how we came from such a rocky road and now look at him! Unfortunately they did his height and weight when we first got there and because I was out of it I have no idea what it was but he has to see Dr. Kelley Monday so we will get it then. Anyway, Dr. Kaine took Coop off all his heart meds except the aspirin which he will stop after 6 months post op. I can't even imagine what we will do with that extra time of preparing meds twice a day! We also found out that it is probably because of the aspirin as to why Coop bruises so easily although Dr. Kaine said he thought his bruised legs just look like a normal little boy :) which was great to hear! So all in all, despite the migraine, it was a perfectly wonderful day! As I put the kids to bed I told each of them how proud they make me for such different reasons. I think that is part of the joy, knowing that I have two wonderfully different children that challenge me in completely different ways. I remember often thinking in the beginning if I would love Cooper as much as I love Raelynn and now that thought makes me laugh. I do not love them individually now and they do not individually fill my heart but together they overflow it. I have truly been blessed!

Enjoy a recap of Raelynn's 1st Day of Kindergarten!


Jenny said...

She is so cute. I'm so glad her first day of school went well. (Like you said, no matter what, it was HER first day ;) ) And I'm so happy to hear that Coop is done with all heart meds and doing well! I never thought about that before. I guess I just assumed that they would always be on the meds even after the Fontan. That is wonderful news!