Thursday, September 4, 2008


I feel like Cooper's eating issues are like a not so good book at this point. It's boring but you keep reading waiting for the next exciting part and each time the exciting part gets a little more exciting than the last. Then you know enough to just want to jump to the end to see what happens. Well each time Cooper eats or drinks something I get so excited and then he does nothing exciting for awhile and then he'll eat something new and better and then back to nothing again. Now there is more talk about the G Tube and I am just ready to see how it all ends. We know it will end, he will eat someday, but we are getting tired. Tired of the relentless feeding schedule, tired of putting new feeding tubes in, tired of trying to think of new things he may eat knowing he probably won't and tired of watching him rub his nose and eyes and be completely agitated by the tube. He has a cold and the mucus and stuff keeps building up around the tube. He is starting to get a good grasp of how to pull the tube and once again he pulled it. I have 1 tube left. I had ordered some more than a week ago and they are still not here. Last night during the night Cooper threw up and it was all bloody. Dr. Kelley has told me there is probably some blood in his nose that is draining down his throat. How gross is that? How bad does that have to feel and taste to Cooper? We saw Dr. Kelley on Wednesday and he asked hypothetically if I was ready to put the G tube in. He is worried about infection in the upcoming flu and cold season if Cooper were to continue with the NG Tube. We are to discuss it with our cardiologist on the 1st of October and we will go from there. Cooper still needs circumcised too so they would probably do both at the same time. More surgeries, GREAT! I keep hearing though how much better the G Tube is. I just hope it would help getting him more interested in eating and talking. Who would have ever thought our biggest dilemma would be eating issues? I am just very tired tonight and worried about Cooper and Raelynn. I think Raelynn will freak when we go back to the hospital even if it is just for an overnight stay. Cooper is getting older now too. On Wednesday we had to have blood labs drawn to make sure his hemoglobin and electrolytes were ok. It was so much harder to watch and hold him because now he cries real tears; real big sad ones!

Tonight I was throwing away my laundry detergent bottle and the verbiage on the front jumped out at me.....96 Loads. The very thing that attracted me to the laundry detergent now made me sick! Because I was throwing it away, I knew I had done 96 loads of laundry. It had not been all that long since I bought it! Seriously, laundry dirties itself and crawls in my hamper at our house. There is no way the four of us dirty that many clothes!